Chapter 35 - Buying Slaves

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It's been almost a week since the incident with the statue monster. Currently, the wall has been completed, and I've even put in a portcullis so that the gateway can be closed off at night. I've ordered hunters to put their time that was used for hunting, and use it for training their skills. At first, they didn't like that I told them to stop hunting, but they quickly understood after I explained to them that it was a matter of safety after what happened with the statue. I told them that, while they are busy training, Ikari will handle hunting for a while. It was a win-win for me. My people get the food that she brings back, and my tame grows stronger in the process thanks to her hunting.

Her hunting went very well for a while, but after some time, she had to venture further to catch something. It's not that she overhunted persae, but the monsters have started to recognize her as the strongest thing in the area, so they've started to avoid her.

Aside from the issue with Ikari having to travel further to catch food, things have been going smoothly. I finished the walls, and got a channel connect to the Grand River to flow through the town to provide an easy-to-access water source. The walls were decorated using Earth magic, combining minerals and metals from underground and mixing it into the stone that makes up the wall. The farmland outside the walls was expanded as well. Now there's about ten acres that are currently used for growing crops. Ten acres isn't much, but it's definitely an improvement from when I first arrived. After we've stabilized everything a little more, I'll try to find rice and create an area that can be turned into a rice paddy. We still need to rely on meat coming from Ikari's hunting, but I'm currently trying to plan out an area that can be used to raise cattle, or pigs or chickens. Slowly but surely,everything is coming along well.

Sana has been working with some of the villagers to plan out the city structure. They've been plotting the land inside the gates and putting down signs about what building will go where in the future. They've finished the housing district, and have been working on the commercial district recently. They want me to give my input on where I believe we should put the guild buildings, and I told them that since there are so many different guild structures that we should just make another district and use it for those guilds. Sana then pulled them to the side and started planning out a way to add another district for the guild buildings, and how to make all the districts come together into one area. I try recommending an area that can be done for recreational use, such as a park and fountain or, in the center of the city, we could put a school.

"Milord, what kind of school would it be then? It can't be a normal school if we put it in the center of town." (Villager 1)

"True, it can't be an ordinary school...for now I just want you to work with Sana on planning out a space for me to construct it. I'll work with you later to help assemble a proper curriculum for our students. Sana, I'll see you later today alright?" (Sora)

"Alright, darling. See you later." (Sana)

Things are going well. I think being around all these people is helping Sana a lot as well. She's been more and more talkative lately, so it makes it easier to explain to people what she's saying. It's easy for me to understand what she means since we are always together. However, since it was only Sana and I for the longest, there wasn't much time for her to practice holding a conversation with other people.

"By the way milord?" (Pend)

"Yes? What is it Pend?" (Sora)

"Well, it's just...are you sure it was such a good idea to let 'that' man stay here? He did attack us with an army of the undead." (Pend)

By 'that' man, he means the doctor that I allowed to stay within the city. He came to us from the forest wearing a coat that dripped with darkness, and wore a mask as white as marble. It covered his face, and had a long beak that altered the sound of his voice when he spoke. On Earth, he would look like a 16th century plague doctor, and when he arrived he kept declaring that he would cleanse us of our illnesses, but when I spoke that none of us were sick, he corrected himself by saying that the illness he spoke of was not of sickness, but of mortal life.

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