Chapter 1

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A/N: This is an adaptation story with some mature content. If your not comfortable with smut please skip ahead of it. All credit to the author of the original content.

Oh wow. College dorms sure are fucking small. I had taken a tour around the campus in spring, but for some reason these tiny damn rooms left my memory. My family who only tolerated me, just dumped me here no more that an at least an hour ago, and  left me to unpack and decorate by myself. I picked a bed not really caring which one I got and started to put my things away. This shouldn't take me too long. 

I brought some pictures, sadly a few were with Kai. I missed him, and his dick, but not all things can always work out in the end. We were a perfect example of how things can start out perfect and just start to trail off at the end. We're still friends, at least that's what I kept telling myself, but we barely talk anymore. I just hope college gives me a fresh start, and a new dick or pussy to entertain myself with.

I heard a noise in the hallway and began to feel anxious. I'm scared of who my new roommate will be. I was a little more open about my sexuality then people could tolerate. I'd hate to live with a roommate that'll hate me.

The door opened and I was blessed with the view of my new roommate. And holy shit hell! She's tall. Taller than me by a few inches, with ashy blonde hair and sexy bright greenish-grey eyes.She's beautifully sexy, and overwhelming to my average looking self. I don't think that I'll ever be able to look directly at her. She's like the sun, blinding me with its beauty.

"Oh well hello there. You must be my new roommate! I'm Lisa." She extends her hand to offer a handshake to me and i have to practically force my brain to respond. "Hi Lisa, Im Jennie. Nice to meet you. Looks like we'll be stuck together for the next nine months." She smiled at my words and shook my hand. I noticed he was alone, much like I was. "Hey where's your family?" She looked uncomfortable for a moment.

"Oh uhm they had to drop off my twin brother somewhere else today aswell, so they kinda just dumped me here and waved me goodbye." She smiles slightly, but I can tell that she's feeling hurt because of that. "Oh well don't worry mine did the same, but not because of a sibling, more like they're not really sure if they like me as much."

Wow I can't believe how honest and open i was just being with her. Lisa looked at me confused, but then moved on from the conversation. Since I put up most of my stuff, I offered to help her out. She agreed and gave me her perfect smile and damn did I have to look away. I shouldn't look directly at her smile that’s brighter than the sun. 

We finally finished unpacking everything and could literally hear everyone around up settling in. Since we were done we decided to go out and eat. We sat together at a small dining table away from everyone else. Lisa really seems sincere about wanting to know me better, but i kinda find myself really boring compared to her.

“So what were you like in high school Jennie?” I hate that type of question, I really do. “Uhm, you know the usual. Good grades, but not that good. I joined school activities, but never put much effort in them, I just mostly spend most of my time alone either reading or writing.” She nodded along at what i was saying. “Yeah I can totally understand that. Like me i got here by playing sports, so my teachers gave me good grades. I did track and sometimes basketball. I went to the state and championship this year.” I'm really not that surprised that she told me this. She looks like an athlete.

We talked more about school, our families, and shared a mutual feeling of being unwanted by our families. But mine was way more different than hers. We ate and talked for hours. And I have never felt such a connection with someone so easily.

We showed each other our schedules, not really surprised that we don't have any similar class, since im in the english major and she’s in the athletic major. But we still tried to figure out times that we could hangout or have lunch together, either here or at the student center. We confirmed that we both have a new friend here.

I am feeling a little bit more nervous than usually, but I still feel that I'm being a little obvious. She must know that I'm bisexual, but she hasn't made any type of move or shown that she's uncomfortable with me. I'll figure out at some point how I'll come out and say it to her, hoping it won't affect our new found friendship. We decided to talk it a night and headed to bed, since we have to get ready for classes tomorrow. 
• • • • • • • • •
When I woke up for a second there I almost forgot where I was. Then I quickly remembered when i looked over to only see Lisa with a towel wrapped around her waist and in a sports bra. And GOD DAMN, I could stare at her like that all day. "Oh hey Jennie sorry if I woke you." Awe she's so sweet as well as beautifully handsome. If that is even possible for a girl to be handsome. "Nah it's fine, I needed to get up anyways." She nods at me and turns around to heads to the bathroom to get dressed while removing her towel on the way there. I moved my eyes away but not before catching a good glimpse of her perfect ass.

The day went on much as expected. With professor and syllabus, professor and syllabus and so on. I managed to go to my classes and not get lost. When my last class was done with I hurried back to the dorms, craving time with my only friend so far. I came in to be surprised with what I saw. "Hey Jen. I got pizza, wanna hangout?" Lisa you beautiful girl. I smiled at her. "Yeah sure, sounds perfect." She smiled at me, that it almost knocked me off my feet. With that perfect smile of hers. I need to tell her my secret tonight. I actually hope tonight is the perfect night for this.


So yeah this is the first part of my adoption story hope you all liked it and if you do comment and vote for me to continue this thank you guys.

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