Chapter 14

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Jennie's POV

Exams were killing us, limiting the time we have for each other. But we still try and squeeze in time for each other as much as we can, settling with cuddles late at night. I'm at the library, sadly not in mine and Lisa's room, I was studying when i got a text from her.

[Lisa: Ik ur busy studying, getting ur smarts on. But come home. I have smth for u 😊.}

I didn't bother responding, i simply packed my things and headed home to her. The semester ends this Wednesday, and the thought of a month without Lisa makes me wanna cry. I see her everyday as it is now.

I hurried home, eager to find out what Lisa has for me. I go in our dorm and there are candles and a box in the middle of the room. Lisa turns, setting down the food for what looks like a picnic on the floor. "Baby, what's all this?" she smiles at me, and grabs my hand, pulling me into a kiss. "It's a present. Well, more of a surprise really." she leads me down to sit on the floor to eat, ignoring the box in front of us.

She's gotten all my favorite food from around the campus, she even went to Starbucks to get my favorite drink. She's the sweetest, i never seen this happening at the being of the semester. "So, wanna know what's in the box." I quickly nodded, eager to know, which makes her laugh. She pushes the box towards me, signaling me to open it.

Inside i found a Christmas stocking with my name on it. I'm was really confused, so I asked her. "Baby, what is this?" she laughs, pulling something else out from the box. It's a picture of stockings hanging from a mantle. "That's my house." she explained, okay, i'm more confused than ever and I knew she could tell since she's looking at me so intently. "Our stockings hang there every year. You've mentioned before that your family doesn't really spend time with you. And another time you said you'll be spending Christmas alone. So I want to bring you home with me this year." Wait what?! "Wait. What are you talking about babe?" she smiles, kissing me then explains it.

"When I was home a couple of weeks ago, I had told my family that I've met someone. They had expected it to be a guy, but when i told them 'her name is Jennie' they actually didn't seem surprised about it." she smiles at me. "I want you to come spend Christmas break with me and my family. What do you say baby?" I was overwhelmed with happiness burst into tears.

"Baby, why are you crying?" she asked, as she pulls me to sit on her lap. "I'm just so happy, Lisa. No one has ever done this for me, or been so nice and kind as you are." she kisses me sweetly, brushing my tears away with her thumbs. " I wasn't always like this, but you deserve it and some much more. You're so much nicer person than I am by far." I kiss her, moving myself to straddle her lap. She pulls away and asks, "Is that a yes, baby? If so we leave on Friday." she smiles at me again and I know there's no way i'm gonna say no. I nod, kissing her again before moving up to pull her to my bed.

When she gets up i go close to her ear and whisper, "make love to me Lisa." she smiles and does as i asked. Kissing me before laying me on the bed. We make love like the first.


An hour later, we're eating all the leftovers from our abandoned picnic. We're still naked too, not bothering to cover ourselves up from each other. Lisa right now is giving me the details of when we're heading to her house and what kinda things i should expect. "I can't believe I'm bringing my girlfriend home to meet my family." I laugh.

"You can't believe it? I can't believe you finally made me your girlfriend! Took you long enough, "I wink, leaning over to kiss her. We decided to watch a movie and cuddle on my little bed. For once, I'm excited for Christmas.


Hey guys here's another update like promised, so there's only one more chapter left after this.  Once the story is done I might start working on another story.

Anyways plz comment n vote. Hope u have a nice day and see u in the last chapter 😁.

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