Chapter 9

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Verando backs towards Tomas who puts his back to him, protecting them from all sides. "Now what?" Tonic asks.

"We fight. I don't know about you lot, but I'm not fer dyin' today." Tomas responds shortly, pulling a second ax off his back.

"You'll get two swipes in with those axes and then what?" Verando asks him, quietly, readying his bow and arrow. "There is an entrance at the back of the castle that is open; we need to lure them there. It's a couple of miles, but surely we can run there?"

"Plenty of motivation." Tonic breathes though he doesn't sound as nervous as one would expect from him.

"We are going to take out the wolves to the north, and then we run. Understood?" The wolves snarl, as if they could possibly comprehend the plan. The warlord turns on his heel, rapid-firing three arrows, clearing a path for Tonic who is the most exposed in his wolf state. "Stay in front Tonic, don't get bit." He tells him as he fires one more and breaks off in a sprint after the gray wolf. 

Tomas swings his ax as he runs along side, surrounded by the roars of angry, infected beasts echoing off the trees. What an excellent excuse to put his theory to the test?

"Your plan? It sucks!" Tomas pants, surprising him by how well he can keep up. "We should stay an' fight!"

Verando throws a knife over the red-haired man's shoulder, aiming between the eyes of a nearing infected beast. It plummets, hitting the cold ground with a force that sends the wolves behind it toppling over. "I want to live; thank you."

What a novelty to wish to survive. His heart pounds in his chest; his lungs burn for air, how long has it been since he ran like this? Even longer since he ran for his life. Tomas grabs his coat and yanks him down as he pushes off the gray-haired man's back to hit an airborne creature through the skull. Kicking off its chest, he gracefully lands on his feet and is right back with them.

 Verando jumps to grab a tree branch, using the downward impact to land his boot on the back of one as Tomas takes off its head.

"Not bad for an old man!"

"It's a coat color, asshole." But he's grinning like a schoolboy. The feelings of age, the ache in his body, the weakness, it all vanishes the faster he runs, and he can't help himself as he starts to laugh.

"Are ya mad?" Tomas stares at him in disbelief.

"I think this is the most fun I've had in years. So.. yes? Maybe?" Verando says as he chuckles.

 Tomas grins and laughs as well, shaking his head at the audacity of their circumstances. "Aye, madness breeds company, you know." Weaving through the trees, they hardly escape the snapping jaws as they dive and bob through the tangle of limbs and frosted vines.

 The dense fir branches grab and pull like claws; it's hard to know what has a hold in the fading light. The thunder of paws around them bellows like an incoming storm; the rabid creatures are gaining on them. Verando grabs Tonic's tail mid-run, yanking him out of the path of a side attack and Tomas is quick to dispatch the beast.

 For an Irish barbarian, who lacks finesse, he could kill these things.

The castle is just over the horizon. Verando reaches for another arrow but finds he is out, cursing under his breath. They would have to pick up the pace if they wished to make it to the castle before the beasts gained on them. "Time to hitch a ride. Get on." He gestures towards Tonic.

"Have ya lost yer mind?" Tomas spits, panting as he clutches his side. 

"We don't have time for your pride, get on the damned wolf!" Verando grabs the man's belt and shoves him; Tonic dives his shoulder to help him on as Verando's clothes explode and the wolf takes his place. It seems to entice the infected as they howl, snarl, and gasp in excitement. 

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