Chapter 17

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We are once again a small group uniting against a large force though this time around, everyone seems more optimistic. The sense of dread hasn't had a chance to loom over us yet, though I can see the hesitation on Verando's face.

 I keep my commentary on the matter to myself. I know he's doing the mental math, wondering who we will lose but for now, I want to be blissfully ignorant while I ride the high that our companions are on. We've come together to conquer the last leg of this journey, to finish what we started. 

"So this is what you want?" Adriam does my job for me, he's addressing my warlord. I should have known there was too much happiness going around. "You're going to take this hodgepodge of misfits, storm the castle, and then what?"

Verando has a patient look on his face, concealing his own concerns. "If you listened to the speech, I really haven't thought that far ahead. I just had to get the pack out of here before our friend's boss showed up and captured the lot of them." He raises a brow at Tomas who waves him off. 

"She weren't be looking for me, I can assure you that. Contract to hire, I only meet with her when I have what she wants." 

Adriam stares blankly at us all, "And you trust him?" The disbelief rings clear in his voice. 

"If we have something he wants, we have no reason not to trust him. I'd say he's about as loyal as a house cat but come now, he couldn't even capture Tonic. I'm not all that concerned. Plus, he's kind of cute." Haryek muses, tapping his chin lightly with his index finger as his eyes coast over our Irish companion. 

The scowl Tomas responds with is comical, it's not the well-oiled machine that is the lycan army but would they follow our leader now anyways? 

It's Verando who keeps calm, refusing to give in to the concerns of our experienced combat medic. "We don't need the army, they are a major risk. The more of them get bitten, the more wolves there are to fight. Besides, we have Nic and Penelope. I think they've more than proved their ability to be useful."

 Penelope does a mock, sarcastic bow and puts her arm around me. 

"Just try not to slow us down with your achy body, alright?" She says with a wink. 

All this time, I was expecting to be brushed off, toted along like a child instead of an equal but I've come to realize I'm not his servant anymore. While I still enjoy the role, I'm to be the king of a growing society. 

I'm the new Lord of Magic, I'm an accomplished leader in combat, I have fought in a war and won. I'm valuable and he's finally seeing that value. In truth, I'm finally seeing it as well. I try to keep the grin off my face, my musings interrupted by him and Adriam locked in a staredown. 

While our French friend has been more than happy to help us when it suits him, the idea of sending a small force to take down a person who is killing hundreds of wolves doesn't sit with him, and frankly, it doesn't sit with me either outside of the pride of my new found value. But, what other options do we have?

 Victor is silent, knowing his place. 

Sometimes, I ponder why no one questions Adriam and Victor on their relationship for the majority of the time, it seems that Adriam is the mouthpiece and Victor gets very little say in what goes on. As I mull it over in my mind, I suppose it's why Adriam prefers me to remain silent while Verando does what he needs to do; it's the same expectations he puts on Victor.

 I squeeze Penelope, I feel the intensity of the heat burning in her palms. She must feel the same way I do, protective of our weakened leader.

 "If you do this-" Adriam starts, taking a deep breath. "You could trigger the wolf and you will never get this opportunity again. If you think for a second he is capable of turning any of us back into humans, you are deluded and you know it. You will be a lycan forever, you will be cursed by your father forever and you will be doomed to carry that burden." 

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