Chapter 14 (M)

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"In what world do you talk to me like that?" He speaks slowly, standing up. 

"This one." I snap back, quickly. "The one where you give up on your people and deserve it. You can take back your confession, the man I want isn't here anymore." My hand tightens into a fist behind my back, guarding the ring. 

I take a step back, baiting him in. The wolf has receded but I can tell my Alpha remains, or at least a piece of him. I stop my retreat as he is before me, inhaling his scent only to be disappointed that I'm not greeted by the aroma of the woods. 

My dark eyes flick up to meet him, he's not smiling as I try to beat down my own grin. 

"You have gotten awfully bold." 

 "When the cats away..." I shrug as his hand finds my throat. His fingers slide up to clutch my jaw, his gaze locked on mine as my body tenses.

"Why do you want this?" A crack. 

No please, I was so close. Come back to me. I want to scream. Instead, I laugh a little. 

"Because I'm fucked up?" I ask, with a sigh. "I like Alpha, I like to be dominated, I want to be dominated." How many times must I repeat this? I thought he understood. Maybe I really am alone in this? "I need my Alpha, there has been something missing in my life since you died and I want my master back. If I wanted to be with a human, I would be." I glare back at him defiantly. 

He kisses me, claiming my mouth as his own with his tongue. I kiss him back, my arms wrap around his neck but he stops me by placing my hands at my sides. "I didn't say you could touch me. You've been a terror, you really deserve to be punished for your behavior." 

I want to coax more out of him, I think about what Penelope said and open my mouth to speak only to have him kiss me once more, "One more word and I won't have you at all." 

Verando's threat brings me to bite my lower lip as he trails down to kiss my neck. A sound escapes my lips at the feeling of his stubble on my skin as he sinks his teeth into the tender flesh, raking his teeth against my skin with a casual pass of his tongue. "Quiet." He growls. "I think we've all heard enough of you."

Completely silent? 

I stifle a sound as he tortures my neck before he begins to push me towards the bed, shoving me down abruptly while sliding his hands under my shirt. Pushing it up to bind my arms over my head, I'd hoped he might fashion a gag but I'm left to fend for myself as I attempt to catch my breath. 

 The salt and pepper locks tease me to tangle my fingers in as he trails his lips down my sensitive chest. My scars ignite as those full lips pass over them with featherlight contact and I arch my back, pleading for more. He unbuttons my pants, biting my hip bones as he proceeds with undressing me and casting the article of clothing aside. 

My body trembles in anticipation, I practically quake under his intense gaze. He seems pleased with what he sees and I relish in the fact that I entice him.

I'm painfully erect and struggling to keep myself still, I've been unchecked and free to do as I please for so long. "Please, Alpha." I moan. I can see I'm affecting him as he devours me with his eyes, his pants strain against his own arousal as he takes me in.

"Hush." He snaps. "I'm admiring what is mine." He trails his fingers over my inner thigh, "You've always had such pretty skin." Grabbing my hips he pulls me to the edge of the bed so he's in between my legs, I can feel him pressed against me. 

I wriggle, desperate for friction. He shakes his head at me but I can see he's amused. "I don't have the patience to go through all your disobedience today." He takes mercy on me, he can see I'm at my wit's end. Taking my length in his hand, he slowly strokes as his other comes up to my mouth. "Suck." He commands.

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