Lonely No More

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On the second floor, in the end room, there was a fourteen yaer old boy. He layed on bis bed, crawled up and eyes saw from crying. His curly brown hair was soaked at the end from sleeping on the wet, from tears, pillow. In a cold sweat his eyes softly opened and he jumped up, his breathe was strongf and heavy. It was finally slowing down, and he got out of bed. The flooor was dusty and rough, the window was creaked and sovered in finger prints. The sun shined oddly through the window, he stood up in front of the window looking out over Queens.
There were loud foot steps coming closer and closer, in shock the boy wiped his eyes. He could see the shadows of two or three people from outside the door, his hreat began to paced as he didn't know what to expect. "Peter?" called a familiar vocie from outside the room. He hesidently opened the door , too see the owner of the orphange , acompanied by two men. Peter was frozen, there in front of him stood two billionairsw, Tony Stark-Rogers and Steve Rogers-Stark. When Peter got back to real-life he choked "Hello".
"Hello, Peter." said Steve. Steve put out a hand for a shake, and nervously Peter shoke it. The two billonairs looked down at Peter, "Have I done something wrong?" Peter asked struggling to read everyones faceal expressions. "No, no Peter, " The owner placed her hand on Peter's shoulders in confert "They are here to adopt you." Peters' eyes widened.

People want to adopt me? Two BILLIONAIRS want to adopt me? Why?

Tears fromed in Peters' eyes, Tony and Steve lookrf aat each other, and Steve gave Peter a hug. Peter had been here for almost two years now and he'd never even been looked into adoption, he thought he'd be here until be turned eighteen.


Tony pulled up at the compound. The whole car drive Peter had been looking out the window, sometimw in decpair, others in amazement. Like the time Peter was tild he was being adopted his eyes widened, and his mouth opened. He was so overwhellemed with happiness. He didn't reall know what to think. Tony and Stev got out of the car, and Tony opened the door for Peter. "Welcome home."Tony said, grainning at Peter's exprssion. Steve ran to the door and when into the compound before Tony or Peter.

In the compound was Natasha Romanoff, Clint Barton (iN the air vent "nesting"), Bruce banner, Thor. oki and Bucky Barns. Steve ran in to their shock. "Just to warn you, be carmful. He is very emotional, and adorable." Steve ran back out of the doors, leaving the others Very confused. They hadn't been told waht was going on today, and Clint hanged out of the air vents questioning "Who are they talking about?" Nat and Thor shrugged. They all looked as confused as the other.

Steve got back to Peter's side and Tony asked "You nervouse?" he looked down at Peter awaiting a reply. He nodded. Peter turned to Steve "Who is in there?" Peter was clearly scared of waht might happned and if this adoption will last. "Black Widow, Hawkeye, Bruse Banner Or the Hulk, Winter soldier, Thor and Loki." Peter swallowed a lump in his through. There were six Avengers in there, on the overside of the doo, two feet ahead of him. "It will be alright, kiddo." Tony said, placing his hand on Peter's tence shoulders and looking down at him in reasureance.
They were standing at the door and Tony pushed on it, but Peter just stood frozen. "It's okay, Son." Steve said, Peter looked up at him and was suprised to hear someone call him son. It gave him some confidence. Tony opened the door and when the Avengers saw Peter they were even more confused. "Why is there a baby here?" Clint asked looking at Peter. Peter wanted to say something like I'm not a baby, but he was too scared of them all. "For one, his fourteen, Clint. Two he is now mine and Steves son." Said Tony, They all stared at Peter and he just wanted to hide behind Steve. Nat quickly got up and went over to Peter, his heart fastened as she got closer. " Hi, I'm Natasha. But you can call me Aunt Tasha or Aunt Nat." Peter smiled.
"I'm Peter P." He want to say his surname, but did think he should.
"Nice to meet you Peter." She opened her arms for a hug and he accepted. Once that was over Nat sat back down and the other avengers came up too Peter and greeted themslves to him. Once Clint had finished Tony interupted, " Would you like to see your room, Peter." Peter looked up at him excitely and Tony led him up the stairs. They entred a large room. It had a king sized nazy bed with white decor pillows, then opiste the bed was a fity-five inch TV, and a door to and on-suit. Under the window was a large desk with the lates Stark Laptop, phone and tablet. Next to the bed was a closet, filled with expencive and geeky clothing (alot of them had scince joke and memes on them), the otherside was a side table with books inside it, for school.

Peter turned to them. His glowng smile and excitment on his face brightened Tony's and Steve's day.

Peter ran over to Tony and hugged him. Tony was suprised and didn't expect this. He hadn't ever been hugged much, and emtional/simpatic hugs were something now to him. But he hugged peter back, tightly.

Then Peter hugged Steve and muttered "Thank you, both of you." He looked them and smiled. "We will go down stairs, do you want to come or explore?" Tony asked.

"Explore. Explore and unpack." Peter said pointing at his small bag of personals and clothing. Tony nodedd and Steve said "Okay, son." They both left the room, closing the door behind them.
Tony quickly swang the door open "Oh I have told F.R.I.D.A.Y who you are, so if you need her just say F.R.I.D.A.Y" The he left for good.


After an hour or so Peter came down the stairs. He saw Nat and Bruce snuggled up on the sofa watching "The Flash", Clint joined them by taking over a hole side of the sofa. Then Thor and Loki played a card game, Loki was cleary winning. Bucky was in the training centre, training. And, Tony and steve were messing around in the kitchen.

Peter didn't want to intrude, so he just stood there and watched from a distance.

Nat senced someone behind her and she turned her head. She just smiled at Peter and guestered for him to come sit down., He joined them on th other side of the sofa, sheepishly sitting there.


Two hour later of watching Tv and talking, Steve intrupted "Dinner." Every got up and ran to the kitchen. They had Steve's home made pizza and fought over each and every slice. It mad Peter chuckle. It was like a disfunctional family.

Peter felt bloted after six slices and watched the others argue other who gets the next slice. Then it when down, one slice left, both Thor and Loki wanted it. Loki guestered Thor to have it, Thor grbed it. A green light took over and Thor held thin air while Loki had the pizza slice. "Wow." Peter said. Loki smiled at the like of his trickary. Thor wasn't so pleased, "Always with your tricks." Thor muttered angerly. Loki jsut smirked.

Peter no longer felt alone

Thanks for reading this. It is my first story, ever. Sorry if it's weak or boring (or if any words are spelt incorrectly). Hope you enjoyed this. Please leave a comment on how to improve. Also I may struggle to keep up with writing, because I have school, major exams and a volunteer job. Thanks so much.

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