You're who?

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The date had ended and Peter walked MJ home, they both had never felt so happy.

"This is me." MJ copies from movies. They stood in front of MJ's house, saying there goodbyes.

Once Peter has left he looked at his watch "ooh, shoot." It was half seven, he was late. So he jumped into a quiet alley and changed into SpiderMan. It take time to get to the compound, so SpiderMan can get there much quicker.

Peter went swinging faster and faster, it crafted a little wind pushing against him.

Finally, he got home. He got back into Peter clothing and ran in to the compound. "So,... your late home. You've messed up, the question is how are you going to fix it?" Steve asked acting like on of the PAS.

"Sorry papa, the walk was longer then I expected." Peter lied. He know exactly how long it takes to walk home, him and MJ just lost track of the time as the date went on.

"Tony's sleeping already, son." Said Steve who came up, put his arm around Peter. "How was it?" He asked as they walked to Peter's room.

"It was good, I've never been in a date before. So I was the best date I've ever been on. It was awesome though, I think it really went well." Peter started to rambled about the date to Steve. At Peter did this Steve's smilie grow. He was proud and happy for his son.


" Yes sir." F.R.I.D.A.Y said, Tony had woken at 3 am, so since he couldn't ferry to sleep he went to the kitchen to looked at the CCTV footage.

Tony loved looking at the vents CCTV, and questioned on how he didn't find the nest before. Then he decided to look at Peter's room one from before the kidnapping. He watched as Peter did his home work, text someone, then get to bed. Just as Tony was about to watch the next days CCTV, he saw the footage grow fussy, as if F.R.I. D.A.Y was trying to hide something.

Tony wizzes thought Peter's room CCTV and every night this happened. 'What is Peter trying to hide from me?' For each night he checked the other cameras. The out door one also when fussy. Then he looked a tonights, someone was standing in read and blue by the compound, then it went fussy. 'Was that Spider-Kid, no Spider-Man.'


When Peter woke up he found Tony in the kitchen eating burnt toast and jam. "Hi Spider-Man." He said

"Hi dad." Peter replied sitting opposite Tony and pouring cereal into his ready-placed bowl.

"Ha! Got you!" Tony aid standing up. Peter was confused, but as he though about it he realises was just answered to Tony after he called him Spider-Man. Tong saw Peter's eyes widened, he know he was definitely right now.

"I'm not SpiderMan, I just was tried." Peter tried to lie, but agony already know. "Sorry." Peter said defeat.

"Your telling Papas." Tony said. Peter nodded, then placed his head in the table. MJ was right was, he isn't very low-key.

"How did you figure it out?" Peter asked living his head.

"The CCTV is fussed up in your room, but I saw SpiderMan outside before it fussed up. So I put it together from that." Tony admitted. Peter grow embarrassed.

He couldn't believe he got himself caught after being SpiderMan for only seven months and two weeks, and four days.


Steve came down an hour later and they had decided to go to McDonalds for some breakfast.
Once they go back Nat had Bruce by the arm as they walked to the lift. " where are you two going?" Clint asked dropping from the vents.

"Thats for us to know and you to find out." Nat said winking at Peter, he know that ment they were going to the orphanage. Then it took Tony and Steve a second to remember thats what they said when they went to got Peter. Clint was as clueless as ever.

They all sat and ate their food, Peter felt Tony looking at him. "Papa." Peter satrted forgetting Clint was too in the room.

"Yes, son?" Steve replied.
"I'm Spider-Man." Peter said as casually as possible, still nit noticing Clint as he dropped his McDonalds pancake.

"You're who?" Clint blurted out.Peter smilied as Clint picked his pancake up from the floor and carried on eating it, like pig. "Yeah, I'm Spider-Man." Peter fet more confident saying thet as Steve just nodded and looked at Tony.

"Well you know this means Spiderman is going to be regulated." Tony said to Peters annoyance. With a sigh peter nodded his head and rolled his eye, he know they were doing it out of love, but it's still annoying.


It must have been tow hour later when Bruce and Nat returned, thye had the brightest faces as they entered with  Nat holding a ten year old girl's hand. Peter remebered thta girl form the orphange, she was the one who always played with phones and broken technological thing, even when she was warned not to. It way made Peter giggle.

Peter smilied when she scanned the area. Her eyes widened when see saw Peter, she know of his death and couldn't believe they boy just down the hall who died, stood infront of her.

"This is Morgan." Nat said hugging Morgan tightly. Peter went over to Morgan, lent down, abit and said "Hi Morgan, do you want ot see somthing awesome?" Peter put his hand forward as Mrgan nodded in fear and oce she held on it, he too her out of the room.

Peter could tell she was scared, it was the same way he fet when he came. They left the parents and other avengers to talk. Peter opened the vents and crawled in, "Come." Peter whispered.

Morgan followed Peter though the vents, he showed her each roon via the venaliation system. Then they got to the labs. "When I was at the orphanage I noticed you like tech, so you should love this room." Peter aid as Morgan got out of the vents.


I know Morgan is Tony Stark's daughter, but I wanted to have Peter as an only child and to add Morgan into the story, and is idea seemed so sweet.

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