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The teens gave a slight giggle, before the car was blowen awy way th shocker. He shoot the car and it swang back and come of then fell out of the car.
Peter, unnoticably, when into a back alley and got into his Spider-Man outfit, that needs an update.

He came around the corner and shot a web in the Shockers' face. He took at stop back before using alian tech to get ride of the web.

Peter's spider scene set of and he loved to the left. Then if front of him was ablast from the shocker, the buiding it hit gained a bend from the blast.

Peter thought of every Star Wars movie, every movie he watched with a fight scene and thought on wich tacktice would help most now?
His brain wizzed with thoughts, one thousand idead went throigh every sceond, until he did it for the vine. He shot him in the legs, because his an idiot. (Captain America vine)

He ran to an empty alley way and got back into his normal clothing. Then got back to the car and met Ned and MJ on the way.

"Oh, Peter are you okay?" Nat said as she went over to Peter. "Yeah I'm fine, Aunt Tasha." She smiled and turned over to MJ and Ned "You guys okay?" They both nodded while being a little scared, MJ however showed no emotion.

They got into the battered up car, and headed back to the compound. Dropping off Ned and MJ on the way. Which Nat suggested because their parents will be worried.


Once they got back to the compound Tony and Steve ran out of the compound faster then light.

F.R.I.D.A.Y must have told them that Peter was seen on the News, and turned on the TV ref
Peter was quickly pulled into a hug by Steve, he held Peter tight. Peter could hear Steve's heart pounding a thousand beats per second. Peter felt another body join the hug, It was Tony, and Peter felt tears hit his hair, he figured it came from the both of them, it made him tear up. He didn't know why the Shcoketr attacked their car, maybe beacsue the Princess of Wakanda was in it. Or because Nat was in it.

It made him terrified eventhough he was Spider-Man.

The hug lasted for about two minuets. Once thy broke off Tony put his arm over Peter as they walked back to the compound. One their slow walk to the compound Steve kissed Peter's and Tony's forehead.
Peter felt so confurtable, he probally start calling them Dad and Pops out loud.

A small thought came through his head of is punishment my be removed, as he thought this he saw Wanda smirk and almost laugh. Mayhe she was reading his mind of Vision said something funny.

"Dad." Peter said looking to Tony, "Pops? Finished Peter looking at Steve. They looked at each other in joy. "Yeah, son?" Steve answered.

Peter looked up at them, this light hit his eyes and they shined. He had brown puppy dog eyes and with a large smilie he said "I love you both."

Tony and Steve felt as if they had been shot in the heart. Their eyes flooded with tears and their smiles reached both side of their faces. Peter had already been here for two months give or take a week, and he already felt so confurtable around them he sees them as his family.


Night fell and Peter was sent to bed 'to get an good amount of sleep.' in Steve's word.

with abunch of hugs Peter when up to bed. He opened the door and it was drak and cold, the window was open, and the curtains blow with the wind.

The mood was half way un in the sky, shining with the stars. The outline of the buildings was the most beautiful thing ever, escpically from this hight.

Then as he reached his bed his head buzzed and he know it mean somebody was introuble.

It quickly got into his Spider-Man outfit and jummped out of the window, after asking F.R.I.D.A.Y to not tell Tony, Steve or eny other avenger.

Peter swang through New York, mainly Queens though. It was so peaceful. A few crimes, such as a stolen dog, cat in a tree, two bank robberies, and helpped a homeless kid and brang him to a Peter's old ophanage. That orphange is safe, clean and supporting. Peter was just in a terrible place mentally. It was a shock to see a five year old wondering the streets alone, in the cold, fithy streets.

The journey to the orphage was sweet, The kid held Peters masked hand, he looked alittle happy. Peter recalled the expression the child made when Spider-Man came gliding down to him and helpped him to the orphange.

They rsached the door and Peter said in a deep voice "Hello, I found this kid in the streets and thought I should bring him here."

"Oh my, Thank you. You okay?" The lady said looking down at the child. Peter smiled as that Lady was his favourite worker there. She thanked Spider-Man again and took the child in. So Peter left to see when else is happening around the streets of Queens

Helping the child brightened Peter's heart and day. He just loved helping people, it was the best. Peter felt s if it was his reponsiblity to help those who can't help themsleves. With great power come great responiblity.

Once it reached eleven-thirty, Spider-Man headed home. The sight of the city as he heading home was the incredible, the moon was almost directly above him. The star shone brighter; a million of galaxy's suns' at sight. To a science nerd this was one of the most mind-blowing and elagant thing to ever see.

As he sawng home the wind was on his side,
the gental push of the wind made his journey home much quicker.

Once he got home the couldn't remember which room was his, Peter swang around the compound three times before thinking of the vents. Clint had given him atour of the vents. However he didn't show him the passage from out side to his room, so he was going to have to figure that out.

He slide into the ventalation system and skided along it, until coming to a halt. He wondered through it as quietly as he could manage.

Though he wasn't expecting to see that when he took the next turn in the air vents.

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