Chapter 1: Most Of My Life

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Hello! First of all, thank you so much for reading my book! I get so excited when I find out that people read them!

Second, I love to pick out music for each chapter. I normally mark it with a <> for when I want you to listen. You can follow my guidence or you can just listen to the song where you want to. It is completely up to you!

Enjoy Pucking Fantastic,


"El, geeze come on," Cami said, using my nickname to grab my attention as she threw her jacket at me.

I caught her black spandex jacket and smiled at my curly brown-haired best friend knowing I was being too slow for her liking. I looked at my white slightly beat up figure skates tied as tight as boa constrictors against my ankles. With lace job like this, I was good to go for the next hour or two of practice. "Cami, take a chill pill. We still have two minutes." I chuckled, standing up from the bench I sat at only to feel light-headed and sat back on the bench to regain myself. I looked at the bench with a frown, not sure why I lost my balance.

Cami walked over to me and took her jacket back. "Had too much of a party last night?" Cami asked as she wiggled her eyebrows.

She was just playing since she knew I didn't party; I was too committed to my skating career. Partying would take too much time that I didn't have. I was going to the Olympics, at least that is what everyone told me. Skating was my life, and I wasn't about to do anything to jeopardize it.

Without skating, I was no one, I had no other side; it was just skating. But that was how I liked it. My life revolved around skating. I talked about skating; dreamt about skating, all of my friends were from the rink so I really needed nothing else. The rink was my home, my place, my world. "Please, there was nothing I did last night except hang out with my brothers," I said as I remembered forcing them to watch TV with me before they ended up, leaving me on the couch alone to do other things.

She nodded as she pulled her brown curly hair into a ponytail. "Oh, by the way, is your brother Jaimie, single?" she smiled as she started going out onto the ice rink.

I rolled my eyes at her as I followed her lead. She would never in a million years get to date Jaimie. But Cami had a crush on him since we moved into town years ago. I thought it would end, but her crush only got stronger. "When will you get Jaimie is too focused on school to care about anything else?"

I had a set of twin older brothers, Jamison or Jaimie, for sort and Paulo. Even though they were twins, their personalities were anything but the same. Jaimie only cared about grades and school, whereas Paulo played practically any sport that had a ball. He liked anything fast and his grades suffered because of it.

"That is such a bummer because he's easy on the eyes," Cami sighed as she took off her blue rubber skate guards before she got onto the ice.

I chuckled, knowing Cami had a crush on Jaimie for longer than I could remember. But the thing was, I was pretty sure he had no idea who she was, even though she had been to our house countless times. "You can always dream." I stepped on the ice and felt the cold air hit my face, then felt my skates dig into the ice, making a ripping sound, causing me to smile.

I stepped onto the ice almost every day, but there was something about being here that wasn't tiring. This was where I felt truly at home. I turned on one foot and started skating backward. I felt my inside and outside edges dig into the ice as I got used to my skates for the morning.


Cami plugged in her iPhone to some new playlist that she probably made last night instead of studying for the history exam we had today. Within seconds, the music started blasting through the speakers. The song was poppy and catchy and instantly; it got me in the mood to skate with speed and power.

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