Chapter 19: I Think She's Right

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Look out for the <>!

Callum wrapped his arm around me as I talked to Cami during lunch two weeks later. I leaned into him as Cami smiled at me. She may have not had an opinion of him before we started dating, but now that she knew him, she liked him and liked us together. Probably more than most of the boys I had dated before.

"So please, tell me, you two are coming to my concert tomorrow night," Callum said as he picked up his sandwich. He was excited. I could see his eyes glitter as he talked about it. He often wasn't excited, but when he was, it was clear. This band of his meant a lot to him. It was his passion, and I knew a thing or two about passions.

"Wouldn't miss it."

At that moment, Quinn, Tom, and the rest of the skaters came to the table. Callum looked at them uncomfortably for a second and suddenly, his chipper attitude changed into something more somber, hinting he wanted to leave. He had told me before that he didn't like the skating crowd, so he kept his distance when I was around them. But today was the first day he decided to have lunch with the rest of the skating group.

Thanksgiving passed in a blur and now Christmas decorations were everywhere, since Christmas was only about three weeks away which meant that Nationals was around the corner with it being the last week of January.

As time passed, Callum and I spent more time with each other. By now Paulo knew we were dating. He hated it, constantly warning me that Callum was dangerous and not to be trusted, but I didn't see that from him. Callum Weeks did have his secrets but he was kind and treated me with respect. He cared about me and I could see that every time I called his name.

"Callum right?" Tom asked as he sat down next to him. "I saw your concert a few weeks ago. That was probably the best concert I've been to in a while."

Callum smiled lightly. "Thank you."

Tom nodded. "So, I heard you are writing an episode like articles about my gurl," he said and looked at me. "They better be as good as your performances."

"They will be. After all, Ellis is probably the most gifted person I have ever interviewed," he said and kissed my temple.

I blushed as I melted under his touch. He made me happy. And after all the drama with me health, I needed him as a distraction. I probably relied on him a little too much, but I was reaching for anything that didn't remind me I had cancer.

"You guys are so cute! OMG, I'm going to vomit with the cuteness," Quinn exclaimed, then instantly covered her mouth, giving me a look of pity. "Sorry, I didn't mean to trigger you."

I tried to look upset, knowing I had to keep my eating disorder act up. I was constantly having to cover why I was always at the hospital. It was just easier to say that therapy was forcing me to change my normal schedule since I didn't want to tell them about the thyroid cancer. I didn't need them to see me any differently than they already did and it was better to keep up the old lie I first made. "It's ok," I said as the bell rang.

I remembered the last hospital test I did a few days ago. Doctor Wells talked to my mother and father in the room's corner with hushed voices, carefully looking at me as if I would break. I didn't want my friends to look at me like that.

I yawned as I packed up the lunch that I barely touched. Between school, skating, and treatments at the hospital, it was taking a toll on me. I was a terrible juggler, always making the balls drop every time I threw one into the air. However, I tried my best to cover it. Blaming the bags under my eyes for studying too hard and the hard falls on the ice as not eating enough. I took with a smile, trying to convince everyone that I was fine. But behind closed doors, I found myself sleeping more and working less on practically everything.

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