Chapter 35: Pinky Finger

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                             (Human by Dodie)

Hi guys! enjoy this happy chapter! Once again, I was torn between two songs. The one that came in CLOSE second is listed above if you want to check it out.

Darla H

I felt my eyes well up with tears as I read the article about nationals and the skaters that were competing. Nationals was this weekend. I should have been going to it. But instead, I would be lucky to get out of the hospital by then. I was frustrated and upset that my time to shine just fizzled into nothing.

Before my parents left for the evening this night, they knew something was up with me. They knew I was upset about nationals and they tried to make it better. They told me that there would be next year. And maybe there could be next year, maybe everything would be ok. But the road to recovery was going to take months. By the time I would be healthy enough to get back on the ice, which wouldn't be for another month or more, I would have to relearn a lot. It would be like starting from the basic freestyle levels again.

I heard a small cough that caused me to look up from my phone. I quickly wiped my tears as I smiled at Callum who stood at the door of my room. I was happy to see him here. I could use a distraction.


"I hope I'm not stepping on any toes..." Callum said as he came into my hospital room. He looked slightly unsure of himself as he did so.

I frowned as my mind went to the worst. He published that article without me looking at it. It was causing more damage to my name. "What did you do?"

At that moment, Cami came running into the room with a smile. "He threw a little party for you," she said excitedly.

"Cami!" I smiled at her. I was surprised that she hadn't left for Nationals yet. She put the flowers on the table then sat down on the foot of the bed. She took off her lace-up black boots and sat cross-legged by my feet as she made herself comfortable. It was as if she always came here but I knew this was her first time coming to visit.

At that moment Kris, Tom, Quinn, and lastly Garret with boxes of pizza in his hands.

Cami smiled at the food and pushed herself off the bed and walked to Garret. "Oh my goodness, I'm starving," Cami said as she opened one of the boxes and took a slice.

I chuckled. I never thought I would miss her as much as I did. Everything happened so fast, I never did get a chance to tell her I was in here. I wondered if Callum told her and I wondered if she was mad at me. I had no intention of holding that from her, I hoped that she knew that.

"Aren't you going to help me find a place for these?" Garret asked with frustration as he struggled with the boxes of pizza.

"Nope," Cami said, popping the P. She sat back down on the bed and started to dig into the piece of pizza she had in her hands with a happy smile on her face. She looked completely content as she took another bite. I was starting to believe that she would never forgive Garret for what he did to me. As much as I felt bad for Garret, I liked the loyalty that Cami shared.

"Here, give them here," Kris said with a tired sigh. She took them off Garret's hands and placed them on a counter that had a sink in the corner of the room.

"Ok, who brought the cookies?" Callum asked the group that crowded into my small room. I held back a laugh, he reminded me of PTO mom as he walked around the room, commanding attention.

They all looked at me with smiles, but not pity smiles, they were happy, excited to be here. They didn't give me sympathy because I didn't need it. I was improving, I would be out of here in no time. Right now I just needed friends and they were here for that.

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