Chapter 39: Secret Safe With Me

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And like promised! Here is the next chapter! On another note, my flight back to the USA got cancelled for the third time in a week. Thank you Corona Virus. I honestly did not think this virus would not effect the world as much as it has. I am starting to think it is going to be harder to return then I thought.

Well, enough of my drama, look out for the <>!


Callum drove through the streets at lightning speeds. Throwing constant glances at me through the rearview mirror. I could see the worry in his eyes every time he looked back. "Ellis, are you ok?" he asked for the fifth time in 10 minutes.

I nodded at Allyson dabbed my forehead. I was burning up, having trouble breathing, I kept on fighting the urge to vomit, and my head was pounding. I felt like I was dying. I was sure I was. This was it. I was going to die in the back of his Range Rover. But I wasn't about to tell him that to make him more worried. "Yeah. Ok," I struggled to force those two words out of my mouth.

He could see through me, he was good at that. He knew that something was wrong. "El, everything's going to be ok," he said as he ran a red light. "Damnit."

"Callum. Please drive carefully," Allyson said as she held my head in her lap. "Do you want cops to stop us?" she lectured him.

"No," he spat as he got onto the freeway.

At that second I felt sick again. I turned my head to the side and dry heaved. By now I had already thrown up as much as I could. There was nothing else in my stomach to spit out but yet I still felt sick.

Allyson rubbed my back as I did so. "There, there, get it out," she said softly.

I frowned at the floor. I brought my knees close to me as if that would give me comfort. I wanted all of this to end. I was in so much pain. I closed my eyes and for a second, hoping sleep would drag me under. Sure enough, I fell asleep.

What felt like seconds later, I felt the car halt to a stop, jolting me awake. I looked around my surroundings and saw that we were at the hospital. I felt the urge to vomit again. Once again, I dry heaved.

"El, I'll be back. Ok?" Allyson said as she opened the door to the car.

I nodded as I looked at Callum who was looking at me. He was terrified. It was written all over his face. He reached out and intertwined his fingers with mine. I didn't want him to let me go. "Everything will be ok," he said confidently.

I forced a smirk, humoring him because right now, I didn't think everything would be ok. I was in pain. I was dying. I felt it in my bones. I wiped the sweat from my forehead as my vision started to fade out. This time, I could feel a stronger force than sleep start to pull me under, but I didn't want to go. My smile slid off my face as it quickly came. "Help me," I begged.

Instantly the car door opened and someone dragged me out of the car and put me on a gurney. "Can you hear me, Ellis?" Allyson asked as she stood beside the bed.

I nodded as my eyes welled up with tears as I looked up at her fuzzy milk chocolate blob figure. Her voice had fear in it that made me even more scared. "Yeah," I choked out.

"Callum, park the car," Allyson commanded him with force as she ran beside the bed.

I looked up at the blinding lights as I got pushed into the hospital. I squinted at them. My head was throbbing like it was going to explode. "Allyson, please make this stop," I begged her. I had never been in as much pain in my life.

"Babe, I'm trying my best," she said as she got a needle out from a desk. In one fluid motion, she put the contents into my right arm.

Almost instantly I felt the pain start to fade. I looked at her and gave a sigh of relief. Finally, I could breathe. Her figure started to fade into blackness. I reached out for her and felt her hand wrap around mine.

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