Chapter 40: Pucking Fantastic

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Song for the start of the chapter!

Darla H

"Come on, El, push it!" Alex cheered me on. I nodded as I ran on the treadmill. I looked at my speed and time. I had been running for 5 minutes already. The time was already my personal best and I still felt like I could go longer.

I took deep breaths. I pushed myself with every step. I felt like I was flying. I hadn't ran this fast in too long. I felt powerful. This is what I had been working for. Finally, after more than a month, I was getting back to my normal strength.

"And time," Alex said as he turned off the treadmill. I stumbled to a stop as the treadmill slowed down.

I wiped the sweat from my forehead and let out a breath. That was good, actually, that was great. I felt great too. I looked at him with a smile. He was thinking the same thing. Finally, after five weeks of grueling work, it paid off.

"Ellis, I think you are making a full recovery," he said and gave me a high five. He had such excitement in his eyes, it was hard for me not to catch onto it.

I smiled as I held onto the handles of the treadmill. I felt my legs start to shake slightly. Maybe I pushed myself a little too much on the treadmill. I had to sit down. I got off the treadmill and took a seat on a stool. "You really think so?" I asked as I reached for my water to chug down.

Alex nodded, he had been waiting for too long to tell that to me. That was why he was more excited than normal ever since I came in today. "Yeah, in fact, I think it's time you graduate from therapy," he said and pulled out a paper from his bag. He held it in front of me and smiled, waiting for me to react.

"Are you punking serious right now Alex? This better not be a joke," I asked with a smile as I took the certificate from his hands. I looked at my name in gold letters and smiled again. It looked so official. This wasn't a joke.

He nodded with a small laugh. "Yeah. This is your last appointment. Congratulations."

"Hell yeah," I shouted, causing a few people to look at me.

Alex chuckled at me. "I'm now officially clearing you to go back to skating."

I felt my eyes well up with tears as his words sank in. I was free. I was going back to the sport that I loved. "That's Pucking Fantastic," I said with a smile.

He nodded with enthusiasm. "Bring it in," Alex said as he pulled me into a hug. "You did well. I'm proud of you."

I pulled out of the hug and smiled at him. I wiped my eyes and let out a small laugh. I had been dreaming of this day for over a month. This is what it came down to. I was making my dreams come true.

"Now I want you to practice your exercises still. Just because you are not going to see me, doesn't mean that your work is over," he lectured me.

I nodded. I expected as much. I knew I still have progress to make, but I was confident that I could work on that on my own. "I'll keep working. Promise," I said to him as I looked back at the certificate in my hands.

Alex chuckled at me. "Good thing I trust you. I don't think I have ever met someone with as much drive as you have."

I beamed. I wasn't surprised by this statement though. Not many people had the goals that I had. Not many people wanted to go to nationals after recovering from a major surgery. It was going to be hard, but then again, I had done hard things before. I was a figure skater, and it was in my genes to push limits. "I have to get better for my goals."

He nodded. "Yeah, nationals next January, right?"


"Well, with only 10 months to train till then, that sounds like a large goal to achieve. But I know you, and somehow, I can see you doing it. I wish you the best. I'll be cheering you on from the sidelines," he said and checked his phone.

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