Author's note

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Hiya! As an avid figure skater back in the day, I devoted so much of my time to this sport and for a long time, it was the only thing I cared about. I found myself a lot like Ellis, relying on skating as a clutch. Almost all of my conversation revolved around it and most of my friends were skaters themselves. 

I always wanted to write something about the sport that I loved so much, however I was always so afraid of tapping into that side of my life. I don't know if it was because of fear of ridicule or just the fact that it rings too close to home for me.

Regardless of these facts, I tucked any figure skating ideas under a bed where all the dust bunnies lived in the corner of my mind.

It wasn't until I started to finish up "Red, White, and Who" that I realized that my fears were really just silly. Finally after years of fighting it, I pulled out my figure skating idea box and blew off the dust. Now I realize what I was missing when I started it. Once one idea came out, they all did. The whole book was completed in a matter of 3 months!

Ok, now I am really going to set myself up for ridicule, enjoy this video of little 14ish year old me skating at one of my very first regional competitions. I got fourth place over all here and after this poor quality video, I did go on to skate another four more years competitively until I eventually stopped to pursue my college education and a dream to travel the world.

Thank all of you for reading "Pucking Fantastic"

Darla H

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