Introduction & Characters

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This is my first story on Wattpad. I am not a native English speaker, so please bear with me. All mistakes, be it grammatical errors, illogical plot lines or badly researched information are completely my own. My story is a work a fiction, so the characters, the storyline as well as some places or events are simply creations of my imagination. 

I hope you enjoy!


Lily (12) – Lily just started junior high and has to get used to going to school with her older brothers again. She is the youngest out of 12 siblings - and the only girl. She used to be a very shy kid, but is slowly coming out of her shell. To prove to her brothers that she is no longer a little girl, she is trying to become more independent. Lily is a bit of a tomboy and she does not hesitate to get into the odd physical fights with her much bigger siblings if necessary. But she also absolutely loves a good cuddle! Eating is not very high on her list of priorities,  but when it comes to sweets - preferably chocolate - there is no holding her back. She plays soccer together with her best guy friend, Jayden. Lily also likes to snowboard and is currently learning self-defence from her brother Jordan. Out of her siblings, she gets along best with Luke, Sean and Jordan, because they are not acting as overprotective as the others and she thinks they are actually taking her seriously (most of the time). The brother she fights and disagrees with the most is Aidan. Her best friend's name is Gracie, and since she started junior high she is also friends with Anna and Lauren. Lily respects her oldest brother Alex' authority the most out of all the siblings; she adores him and looks up to him. She is pretty easy-going, but can be very stubborn if she disagrees with someone.

Noah (14) – Noah is a freshman in high school, together with his twin brother Aidan, who is 15 minutes older than him

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Noah (14) – Noah is a freshman in high school, together with his twin brother Aidan, who is 15 minutes older than him. He is the youngest boy out of the 11 brothers and has to try a bit harder to be taken seriously because of this. Compared to his twin, he is definitely the quieter and more agreeable boy. He is the only one in his family that plays baseball and he sometimes struggles to get his siblings interested in supporting his choice of sport - or even attend a game. Girls in school like him but he is too shy to notice. He only has one best friend, Nick, and other than that likes to just hang out with Aidan and his friends. Noah looks up the most and gets along best with Sam out of all his brothers. He does not mind spending time with Lily and tries to stick up for her when his twin pesters her too much. But he hates to be teased for it, so he sometimes acts a bit mean towards his sister just to protect himself from harassment.

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