Thank you

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Hello my dear readers!

Unravelling is finally finished. It was an incredible journey and I want to thank each and every one of you for giving my book a chance. It humbles me and makes me very happy that there are people out there who read my work and, even more so, who stuck around until the end of this book.

When I started publishing the first few chapters, which had already been written ages ago, they only needed a bit of tweaking and editing. Then I suddenly found myself at a point where I was writing a new chapter more or less every week. That has been my personal little journey and it definitely was an exciting experience.

Over time, as the book evolved, I sometimes surprised myself by the twists and turns the story took. New characters were created who suddenly became some of your favourites. Finn is one of them. His initial role was only supposed to be a very small one and after "Library Boy", I wasn't even sure if he would stick around. And now he ended up playing such an important role in Lily's story!

The main plot of the book has remained the same I came up with before I even started publishing the book, and I will stick to this storyline until the end. That means the journey Lily is going to go on in book 2 has already been in my head from the very beginning. But I am also excited to see what else is going to happen that I have not yet plotted.

Thank you again for your incredible support! I appreciate every single view in a chapter, silent reader or not. Your votes make my day and your comments are always so incredibly encouraging, inspiring and sweet, I can't even put in words how much I love them. I hope the second book will be interesting enough to capture you guys' attention once again.

By the way, the sequel will be called "Dissolving". I aim to start uploading it in couple of weeks. The first few chapters are already written but need some heavy editing before they can be published since I wrote them more than a year ago and still need to incorporate all that has happened in book 1, to ensure that there are no massive plot holes. Watch this space for an update!

If you have any questions about the books or the characters, please feel free to ask. I also always love to hear your opinion on the individual characters or the storyline in general, so put them in a comment or send me a PM if you like.

Finally, before I sign off for now, a little fun fact that I'd like to share with you: The cover of "Unravelling" is a photo that I took years ago on Long Beach (Vancouver Island). The girl in it is my best friend's little daughter. I never thought that I would turn it into a bookcover sometime in the future.

Stay safe!

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