Chapter 22 - Trust

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"Are you looking for an ice cream tub?"

It is as if time stands still as my words hang in the air. Will's movements have stopped and he stands frozen, his back towards me. Kind of like the way I stood when he arrived, just that now the roles are reversed.

I don't move even a muscle and my breathing has stopped in anticipation of his reaction.

And when the reaction comes, it is fast and fierce. Will spins around and at the same time appears to leap towards me. A split second later, he is completely invading my personal space, standing almost toe-to-toe with me. His eyes have narrowed into tiny slits as he glares down at me.

An involuntary shiver runs down my spine and my natural instinct tells me to bolt. Instead, I courageously stand my ground and hold his icy gaze. The fact that it would be near impossible to slip past him in the narrow confines of this shed is the main deciding factor why I am still here.

"What was that?" Will growls in a very low, dangerous sounding voice.

If I weren't completely certain that he would never do anything to me, at least not physically, I would probably have peed my pants by now. His intimidating stance easily rivals Jordan's. Not that I have much experience being at the receiving end of that, either.

"I...I think I f-found something th-that belongs t-to you," I stammer nervously.

Why do I let him get to me like this? Get a grip, Lily!

"Where is it?"

When I don't immediately reply, Will's hands shoot out and roughly grab both my upper arms. He comes closer, if that is even possible, forcing me to take a couple of steps back until I bump into the shelf behind me. Now that I am trapped between the wall and my big brother, with nowhere to escape to, Will leans in until his nose almost touches mine.

"Where is it, Lily?"

I swallow hard.

This is Will. Will won't hurt you.

I repeat this little mantra in my head while I contemplate my reply.

"Lily!" he impatiently snaps at me, startling me again.

I can feel his breath on my face, that is how close he is standing to me. It smells like cold cigarette smoke and mint mixed together.

"You're hurting me," I bite out.

Immediately, Will loosens his grip on my arms, but he doesn't let go completely.

"I asked you a question," he reminds me darkly.

"I'll tell you, if you promise to tell me what it is, and why you have it," I bargain bravely.

"I don't think you're in a position to make demands, runt."

And just like that, with him using his – admittedly questionable – term of endearment for me, I know for sure that he is once again all bark and no bite.

"You don't scare me, Will."

"Oh, really?"

A small, barely noticeable smile flashes across his face but he quickly schools his features to look sternly down at me again. However, it looks like he knows that I know that his acting all tough is just a front.

"Yes. You try to be all scary and stuff, but you'd never do anything to me," I declare firmly, encouraged by his short display of amusement.

"Are you sure that you want to put that theory to the test?"

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