Chapter 11 - Coffee Junkies

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We end up having pancakes for breakfast. They are fantastic, as always when Tom makes them, and I am convinced they taste even better than Ben's. Of course, I would never tell that to my brother, since he takes great pride in his "famous pancakes". Tom put blueberries in the batter and, since I love anything to do with berries, it just made them extra special in my opinion.

"That was awesome," I tell him, licking my lips. "Thank you!"

"You're very welcome, darling. I'm glad you liked it," Tom smiles at me.

"She's always had a sweet tooth," Jordan remarks.

I nod and grin at them. He has hit the nail on the head with that statement. I have tried to tell Alex plenty of times that I would be a lot more inclined to eat breakfast without complaint if he wouldn't insist that it had to be so healthy all the time. But he doesn't want to hear anything about that, usually. Luckily, on the weekends, he allows Ben to treat us to pancakes or French toast or other such delicacies. It is the only day in the week where they don't have to force me to eat my share.

"What are you guys up to today?" Tom asks as he starts clearing the dishes.

I jump off my chair to give him a hand.

"I've got it, darling," he claims, pushing me back towards my seat. "You're our guest today."

"Only today? What about tomorrow?" I ask, only half joking.

Although none of my brothers are likely to agree with my plan, I have decided that I am going to stay at Josh and Tom's place for as long as Jordan is here. Or at least for as long as they will let me.

"Will you still be here tomorrow?" Tom asks.

He doesn't sound judgemental or even teasing but only curious. That is why I like him so much. He generally takes me a lot more seriously than my brothers ever would.

I shrug and then nod, trying hard to ignore the questioning expression on Jordan's face.

"I'm staying until we've found a place for Jordan to move back into our house," I explain.

"I see. Well, you know you're always welcome here," Tom replies generously.

"Does Alex know about this?" Jordan asks.

I glare at him for bringing that up. He knows exactly that I haven't asked Alex yet.

"I'll tell him later," I mutter.

I quickly take a sip of my water, hoping that this will prevent me from having to answer any more uncomfortable questions. Jordan and Tom exchange a meaningful look, but thankfully they don't have any more to say about this topic. Now I only have to come up with a few good arguments to convince my oldest brother to let me stay here for a while longer. Josh shouldn't be too much of a problem, if I have got his boyfriend and his twin on my side. Which I assume I do.

Tom refills his and Jordan's mugs with coffee and reclaims his seat at the table.

"So? What are the plans for today?" he repeats his earlier question.

"I gotta sort out my stuff that's been stored in the attic for ages. I want to take stock of my belongings and figure out what I need to go shopping for. I only have a few sets of civilian clothes with me and, obviously, I cannot hang out in my battle greens any longer. Then..."

"I'll go shopping with you!" I interrupt, excited by the thought of going to the mall.

"Now there's as surprise," Jordan laughs at my enthusiasm. "Maybe I'll go on Monday, when everybody's at work and at school, so that I have the stores to myself."

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