Chapter 32 - Coping Mechanism

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I have been kidnapped.

Of all the wild things that my imaginative mind usually conjures up, I have never considered this a possibility.

Ok, maybe I should clarify a few things: I have been kidnapped by my own brother!

Admittedly, calling it a kidnapping might be a tad bit of an exaggeration and maybe even bordering on over-dramatic, but it is exactly what I imagine it feels like if someone takes you against your will and holds you hostage. So I will keep calling it that until someone can convince me otherwise.

The culprit?


It happened exactly 52 minutes after I got home from school today. I know that so specifically because I have been holed up in my room, pretending to do my homework while in fact my mind has been so occupied that I didn't get much more than half a worksheet done. I kept glancing at the clock on my phone because I was kind of nervous for the twins to get home.

Therefore, I am aware of the exact time I was abducted.

Aidan had football training after school today and Noah decided to stay behind to catch up with some friends. I have a while ago decided not to dwell too much on the hypocrisy of the twins being allowed to meet friends after school whenever and where ever they want. Noah only decided this afternoon that he fancied staying behind and that he would catch a ride with Sam when he picks up Aidan. Nobody asked any questions and it was okay. Just like that.

I mean, I don't really know for sure whether Noah had to call Alex and ask for permission, but my suspicion is that he didn't have to. A quick info on our chat was sufficient.

Had it been me, I would have had to announce my plans at least a day, if not a week, in advance and I would have never been allowed to just hang back at school, like my brother does. Instead, my older brothers would have made sure that I go to someone's house and that there is an adult around. Meaning, I am only allowed to go to Gracie's on days when her mom is not working or when she gets home early enough to be there when we arrive. Which means we normally have to go to Jayden's place to hang out, since his mother is a stay-at-home mom and is practically always around.

Anyway, my point is that I find it increasingly unfair that my every move has to be closely monitored while my twin brothers are pretty much allowed to do as they please. I have pointed that out on numerous occasions and usually Alex – or Ben, if I end up discussing this with him – reminds me that it was the same when they twins were my age. I cannot be completely certain, since I obviously don't remember every detail of what happened two years ago, but I believe that they are just trying to placate me with these claims.

The whole situation has become more important now, as I am trying to figure out how to meet up with Finn without getting into trouble or having to explain my motives in great detail. If I were allowed more freedom, this would not even be an issue. But since I apparently have to be under the watchful eye of an adult – a responsible one, mind you – at all times, it makes it all the more difficult. And Aidan's weird behaviour today at lunch break leads me to the conclusion that it will be even harder once I tell them who I want to meet up with.

Which brings me to the reason why I have been checking my clock more often than usual. I am now also resolved to avoid any encounter with Aidan. I have no desire whatsoever to talk to him about Finn or his trying to intimidate him. Although, inwardly, I am very curious as to why Aidan suddenly feels the need to look out for me – he has never done that in the past, which makes it highly suspicious – I really don't feel like listening to him badmouthing my new friend.

Do I even consider Finn a friend?

I am not so sure about that yet, either. He does make me feel strangely comfortable in his presence, despite the stupid nicknames and the teasing remarks. But I also don't really know much about him.

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