Chapter 34 - Plan B

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"What the hell was that, Lily? Are you stupid, or something?"

I instinctively take a step back as I see my second youngest brother storm towards us.

What is his problem?

I decide not to answer him, assuming that it was a rhetorical question. It is doubtful that I could give him a satisfactory reply, considering that he looks very angry.

"Hey, I asked you something!" Aidan yells at me once he is only a few yards away from us.

My eyes widen when I realise that he won't stop until he is right in front of me, so I quickly move yet another bit further back to hide behind Ben, who is conveniently standing near me.

Before I know what I am doing, I grab the back of his coat. It is an instinctive move, one that I had perfected as a little girl, since hiding behind my big brothers was my preferred method if I got scared.

Am I really scared of Aidan?

Despite the situation, an un-ladylike snort escapes me when I realise how stupid my reaction is. Unfortunately, Aidan hears me and I can almost see steam coming out of his ears as he narrows his eyes at me threateningly.

"Are you fuc..."

"Aidan, that's enough!" Ben orders sternly.

But Aidan doesn't seem to be impressed by that. Instead, he keeps moving forward. It looks like he is itching to get his hands on me. Embarrassingly, I react by pressing myself against Ben's back, burying my face in his coat. I feel him move and tighten my hold on him.

"Get away from her, Ben!" Aidan bravely argues with our older brother, clearly not impressed by Ben's intervention. "I need to look into her stupid face while I am talking to her!"

How charming.

I really wonder what has made him so upset with me. Normally, I am not very afraid of him, but the way he stormed towards us just now, looking ready to kill me, makes me a bit apprehensive. I definitely don't mind using Ben as a shield, just to be safe.

"Calm down, Aid. What has she done to you, anyway?" Jack asks.

I remember spotting him a few dozen yards behind Aidan, hurrying after his younger brother as he rushed towards us just now. Ben's body jostles and I jump involuntarily.

"Aidan, I am serious. Stop acting so irrationally," Ben tries to calm him down, using his appeasing teacher-voice.

I chance a glimpse around Ben's torso and find him with his arm stretched out in front of him, holding Aidan back from getting to me.

Would he seriously assault me if it weren't for Ben?

I lean a bit further to the side to allow myself a clearer line of sight at my fuming brother and find him staring at Ben with fury dancing in his eyes. He is definitely pissed off about something.

Maybe something happened at his football training that set him off?

I don't know what that would have to do with me though.

"I cannot believe that you're letting her hide behind you like a fucking baby!" Aidan hisses angrily.

"Aidan! That's your last warning. One more foul word out of your mouth or one more insult towards your sister and you can say goodbye to your phone for a week," Ben threatens him.

"Come on, Aid, whatever this is, it's not worth it," Jack placates him.

Aidan mutters something unintelligible under his breath but lets himself be pulled away by Jack and pushed towards the back of the car. Noah, who has been watching the whole commotion from the other side of car, exchanges a confused look with me and then disappears in the backseat, too. Probably to question his twin about his irrational behaviour.

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