Chapter 27 - Missing Pieces

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Noah's question came unexpected, if my older brothers' faces are anything to go by. They literally stare at him as if he just announced that the world is ending. Even Josh, who has so far kept his back to us, turns around and looks wide-eyed at him.

"What do you mean, our mom?" Luke is the first one to find his voice.

He is clearly confused by Noah's question. I, on the other hand, am glad that Noah took the lead and put this question out there. It was bad enough that I had to confront them with my knowledge of Sienna. I think it is only fair that he now gets some of their attention.

"We found a photo of Sean as a kid. There's a woman in the picture with him. On the backside, someone has written mom," Noah explains.

"Who is we?" Ben asks unnecessarily.

Really, Ben? Like that is important now.

"Apparently, Lily and Noah," Josh replies with a sigh, before the two of us have a chance to. "Probably Aidan, too."

"What? No! I have no fucking clue what they are on about!" Aidan exclaims, waving his hand angrily in Noah's and my direction.

I am surprised when nobody scolds him for swearing. I take that as a clear sign that they have other stuff on their minds right at the moment.

"Where did you find that photo?" Sean asks from the phone.

Immediately, my bad conscience about us going through his stuff resurfaces.

"In the attic," Noah admits sheepishly.

He gives me a look that clearly conveys the message that I could step in anytime and say something, too. I know he hates being the centre of attention and having to answer to them.

A groan escapes Jordan's lips, causing everybody to swivel their heads in his direction. Under any other circumstance, this might have been rather amusing. Their behaviour reminds me of a documentary that I once watched about flamingos. They were all moving in unison, like a row of ballet dancers doing their synchronized movements. It was hilarious. This here isn't though.

"Okay," Sean says. "And where exactly did you find this photo? What else was there?"

He sounds as if he is choosing his words slowly and very deliberately.

When none of us answer quickly enough he adds: "Lily?"

I blush. It feels like I have been caught with my hand in the cookie jar.

"Yes, Sean?" I ask innocently, not quite ready yet to admit to us sneaking around.

"What else did you find, sweetheart?"

Had it been any of my other brothers, they would have certainly not been so nice to me. The way Sean is addressing me automatically puts me at ease, despite everything. He has always had a calming effect on me. Also, his using one of his many nicknames for me hopefully means that he is not too upset with my actions.

"There...there was a d-death notice, too. With a...a photo of the s-same woman f-from the picture...the one with you on it, I mean," I tell him nervously.

Everybody's attention is now back on me. They are like human search lights and I instinctively make myself smaller, wishing that I possessed the superpower to become invisible and disappear. I fix my eyes on a spot on the floor, refusing to look at any of my siblings. I am so glad that Sean is not in the same room as us.

"Where did you find this?" Sam now gets involved, too.

I cast a glance at him through the curtain of hair that is conveniently hiding my face and I find him exchanging a confused look with my other brothers. Ben shrugs, apparently just as puzzled by this as he is. Luke makes a face that clearly conveys "don't even ask me."

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