Chapter 1

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Photo above is your mothers ring. It means From Land To Sea.

"That'll be £12.50 please" the lady at the counter gave you a clear fake smile.

You returned the fake smile and then handed her the exact amount trading that for the ticket. "Thank you" you spoke and then turned and walked away quickly.

You walked away with the flow of people down the long walkway to the aquarium exhibits, loud chatter and happy shouts surrounded you and made you nervous, your head dipped trying to shrink yourself away from all the people. The aquarium was rather expensive, but to you it was completely worth it, the ocean and its creatures always fascinated you since a small child and you often came to the aquarium to get away and forget your troubles.


You were young, 6 years old, you were playing in the sea waiting for your friend to appear, you had known him for a very long time, most of your life you had come down to the beach to play with him as your house was just on the beach. You had originally saved him when he got caught in some fishing netting, you snuck out some of your uncles heavy duty scissors that he had left behind when he was helping your mum make good improvements, and cut him free.

This was before your life became troubled and painful. You splashed about for a bit waiting for your secret friend, you told no one about him like he asked, well signalled as he couldn't actually speak, and in return he gave you friendship which you highly desired as you didn't have any other friends.

A splash behind you made you jump and turn smiling to see him smiling back "Hey Mpfh" you waved at him. You could never remember his name no matter how hard you tried, so whenever you got one of these flash back his name would just come out like you were underwater. You didn't actually know his name so whatever it was you called seemed to work, it was only so you had something to call him by. He seemed to like it as he smiled to you every time and gave you a wave. You distinctly remember the time you tried to guess his name, you were laughing for hours with his reactions at each name you yelled at him until you found something that he liked. He didn't, smile only gave you a small nod in approval.

You jumped on the spot a few times before you jumped on to him wrapping your arms around him he titled himself onto his back and held you against him, floating on the surface of the sea. You relaxed you head against his chest and smiled, he was the same age as you, since you asked, he can answer yes or no questions with the shake of his head, or numbered questions where he used his tiny webbed hands to give you an answer. He couldn't speak but he could defiantly understand everything you were saying.

You felt drips and opened your eyes to dark shade above you, Levi had lifted his tail over you and was making the sea water drip down onto your face from the small fluke, giggling you splashed water in his face and then pushed away from him before ducking under the water. He followed you under and grabbed you with his webbed hands before he started to tickle you, bubbles from your giggles rose to the surface as he then grabbed you and brung you to the surface so that you could breath.

*Flashback end*

You smiled at the memory, you couldn't remember Levi's face only that you would both play in the sea together, and that he was a merman. Thinking about that, the aquarium you were currently at had recently acquired a new merman, that last of its kind they say. But you couldn't see it.

The first exhibit was a jellyfish bowl, every few seconds the lights inside would change colour which made the clear graceful creatures change colour with it. You'd always love the jellyfish back home, although it hurt when they stung. You'd always love to tempt fate and boop them on the soft outer dome.

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