Chapter 10

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Mikasa's training sounded difficult. She had you first trying to dive to the bottom of Levi's tank picking up sand and then resurfacing with the sand still safe in your closed fist. The sand challenge is what you called it. Mikasa demonstrated first. You stood next to Levi, who was sat on the wall, in a fluffy towel for warmth. Levi grumbled at the sight of Mikasa floating in his tank, he didn't attack though.

"You have a week to perfect this before his tank is opened to the public. It'll be tight but I think you'll be able to do it" Mikasa explained

"Ummm not trying to be rude but what exactly is this training" you asked.

Mikasa rolled her eyes "this is training you to hold your breath for longer periods of time. It also helps you get used to the pressures you will feel at the bottom of the tank and your water skills. This is very important and is how I trained as well".

"Right" you agreed.

"You'll be spending most of the day in here you know" she spoke.

You nodded and she spoke again "you ready?".

"Yeah" you were excited and couldn't wait to see her do this.

You watched as she took a deep breath before diving down her feet kicked up out of the water aiding in her decent, she was like a dolphin. The deeper she went the more blurry she got, until she became just a small dot on the floor of the tank and you couldn't tell what was happening.

You eyes went to Levi, his head was tilted in a curious manner but he still had a big frown on his face "don't worry Levi she's just showing me something that'll mean I can swim with you better" you gave him a small pat on the shoulder.

You watched as Levi's ear fins flap forwards as his face turned to you, all of his fins flared as he became excited at the thought of swimming with you, and to the fact that you'd be able to see his home.

Erwin told you that he slept and spent most of his time in a rock cave in the middle and at the bottom of his tank, you had always wanted to see it, you just couldn't hold you breath for long enough to even get down there, or anywhere near it.

A splash made you snap back to Mikasa who had resurfaced. She brought her hand up and opened her fist to show you the pile of sand that was safely inside, the wet sand stuck to her hand, a few grains running down her wrists from small drips of water.

"Woah Mikasa that's awesome" you beamed.

"Come on get in here" she shook the sand off in the water.

You laughed and then jumped in after her, Levi following you. You quickly made your way over to her, nervousness bubbling up in your gut. You didn't want to pass out or drown, Levi senses this nervousness and you felt his webbed hand grab your wrist in comfort.

"So first, I want to see how far you can get and I wouldn't worry both me and Levi will follow you" Mikasa said.

You nodded. You sucked in a deep breath and then shoved your head below the water, the rest of your body following. You kicked your legs and moved your arms in a Brest stroke style to propel yourself through the water.

About half way down your ears popped and your lungs started begging for oxygen, strange sounds started coming from your chest as your diaphragm started to push up against your lungs to pull in air. You didn't want to stop though even though your vision started to pin point and go black.

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