Chapter 9

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You used your key card to enter the staff entrance, the little red light on the box, you flashed your card against, turned green as you heard the lock turn and click to let you in. You crept up the stairs to the staff room not wanting to attract too much attention. However, you weren't completely silent as every step you took caused a squelch from your shoes which echoed through the silence.

You could hear arguing and shouting from inside the staff room, the closer you got the more familiar and loud the voices became. It sounded like Jean, Sasha and Connie. Knowing Sasha, their argument was probably about food.

"Sasha give it back, that's my lunch, yours is in the bottom of the fridge" Jeans struggling voice sounded.

You hear growls and snarls from Sasha in response as well as huffs from Connie who sounded like he was holding Sasha down. "Come on Sasha you brought an entire rump of meat".

You finally stepped into the doorway your eyes widening at the scene in front of you. Sasha was pinned to the floor shovelling sandwiches into her mouth from a plastic lunch box while Connie sat on her back and Jean was trying to get his sandwiches back before they were all eaten.

"Ummm hey guys" you said.

"(Y/N)! Get in here! Sasha's got my chicken sandwiches!" Jean shouted at you.

You laughed and shook your head "didn't you hide you hide them Jean".

"No, I didn't have time. I woke up late and had to rush" he kept struggling, it was a bit like an unwritten rule that you had to hide your food in the kitchen otherwise Sasha would get to it before you had even left said kitchen.

You laughed again before you left the room, hearing Jean and Connie shouting after you. You headed through to the showers and changing room, starting with a shower to get rid of the bin grime and smell, throwing away the clothes you were just wearing realising there's was no way to save them from the stains.

*Time Skip*

"You left school!" Hange screamed.

She didn't seem happy, it was more in anger you weren't expecting this much anger, you didn't run away from school like some sort of rebel, you had a valid reason. You looked away not making eye contact with her as she was yelling.

"I'm sorry but..." you stopped your sentence you were about to tell her that you were being bullied.

"But...?" She asked trying to get you to continue.

You refused to tell her that you were being bullied, she didn't need another reason to be worried for you "but... I would prefer to be home schooled".

You heard Hange sighed "we'll discuss this later at home, for now Erwin wants you. I'll look into the home school thing but don't get too hopeful".

"Fine... where is Erwin" you asked.

"He's looking over Levi's tank in preparation for the grand reopening" Hange explained.

*Time Skip*

When you had found Erwin, he was sat on the stone wall by Levi's tank with a small A5 notebook and a pencil. He wasent writing, reading or even calling out to Levi. He was just blankly staring out into the water clearly in deep thought.

You didn't want to interrupt him but you felt like a creeper just standing and watching "hey Erwin".

His head turned to you with a smile "hey (Y/N), you're very early".

"Ahhhh don't worry it's not like school would miss me" you joked even though it was true.

A splash and an ash coloured head made you turn to the owner "Levi" you whispered.

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