Chapter 13

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Your searching eyes found nothing but the darkness of the empty car park as the old street lamp barely illuminated anything. Hange was bound to come looking for you if you took too long as you were only locking the staff door, your mind ran with thoughts. How long is she going to be? How late is she going to be?

"(Y/N), do I have your attention" Kieran took a step towards you and you took a step back in response.

"Stop jumping around" he scoffed at your reaction to him, his head turning in a flippant manner.

Your hands began to shake as you didn't hear what he asked of you, so stood still on your feet. You had to lose your nervous energy in some way so the rest of your body quickly followed the shaking of your hands.

"H...hello, if there is a complaint about today please take it up with the costumer help desk when we reopen tomorrow" you tried to direct them away from you so that you could make a quick exit. Your voice was more steady than you thought it was going to be.

"I don't have a complaint and you're the only person who can help me out with this" he said.

You choked back anything else you had to say, he advanced on you quickly, your body tensing in response. You tensed so much that it couldn't actually shake with fear anymore. You stopped breathing and almost collapsed when he came within punching distance.

His chest met you face he was so close to you, just as he stopped in front of you, he raised his arm in an open palm. Your eyes shut tight and you curled your body in on itself bracing for a slap or punch that would be coming your way.

But one of the biggest surprises in your life came when instead of slapping you his arm curled around your shoulders and pulled you into his side with a strong grip. The air was forced out of your lungs from surprise, your muscles still didn't relax though.

"What's happening?" You mumbled.

"What's happening, is that I'm apologising" Kieran answered you.

"What?! But.... Kieran?" One of his meat heads growled.

They both looked completely confused like the whole thing was completely unplanned "YES WE'RE APOLOGISING. I don't know anyone with the guts it takes for you to get in a tank with a deadly beast".

What was happening, you completely understood everything he said but somehow it didn't settle in your mind, it just bounced around the inside of your skull and then away.

"What about-" the other meat head started.

But Kieran snapped his head over quickly giving them both the darkest look you had ever seen "if you disagree with me then why don't you jump in the merman tank, I have (Y/N)'s key card all I have to do is swipe it, right?" He turned to you.

"Ummm, I don't think that's a good idea, but umm yes" you said quickly eyes slightly widening at the key card that was currently in his hand, he must have swiped it out of your pocket.

They both instantly shut up and took a step backwards in defeat from Kieran's harsh stare, after they backed off Kieran turned to you "now (Y/N) can I ask a favour of you since you are my new honorary friend".

You turned your head to him but still didn't look him in the eye, but enough so that he knew he had your attention "that merman, take us to him I want an up close and personal encounter".

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