Chapter 15

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"Sorry (Y/N) but I have to write this report" Erwin said.

You were currently trying to persuade Erwin out of writing up a report about the recent incident with Kieran and Levi. You were so worried about the chaos this was going to cause amongst the public, he would once again be boycotted by the public out of fear.

"Please Erwin you can't write this, everyone will be afraid of him again" you stressed.

"I have no choice especially since you went to hospital and there were civilians involved." Erwin explained.

"But it wasn't his fault he was just defending me. All of our hard work will be for nothing if you do this, all this planning for the reopening will be gone" you tried to persuade him.

"(Y/N) calm down, I've heard everything from Hange. Listen the public are going to find out about this wether I write the report or not. If we do it my way, we'll be able to control the story in favour of Levi" Erwin smirked a plan clearly forming in his head.

"What story were you planning to feed them?" You asked curiously.

"That he was only defending his girlfriend from harm" he snickered at your reaction to this.

"Girlfriend?!" You were astounded.

"Yes, I apologise, I know that you two don't know what you are to each other yet but this makes it much more of a sob story. The public will eat it up" Erwin looked away from you to his paperwork.

"No, it's fine I like the story." You smiled to him.

"Great I'm putting my best woman on the case right now I've already got enquires from reporters about the incident" Erwin said with a tired sigh.

"Who's that?" Hange said, sounding offended that she wasn't picked for this job.

Erwin turned to her "you. So, get on with it. It's of high priority".

"Ahhh I knew you'd pick me; i wasn't worried girl a second, I won't let you down" Hange screeched as she ran from the room.

"(Y/N) I've also banned Kieran and his two buddies from the aquarium for life, the police have been involved if they step foot in here again, they could risk prison time. So, while you're in this aquarium you're completely safe" Erwin explained.

"Thank you very much I really appreciate it" you mumbled shyly.

"Now you should go and see Levi he's very worried about you I've never seen him like the way he currently is right now" Erwin's smirk.

You met his smirk with one of your own and then in the same fashion as Hange, dashed from his office excited to see Levi again.

*Time Skip*

"See Levi it's ok" you gave Levi a confident bright smile.

Levi's hands gently held your arm, his eyes closely inspecting the now stitched up wound. The stitches didn't bother you that much, when you had to have them done, with a drunk and abusive farther being in charge of you for over half of your life stitches were quite a common thing.

Levi had a deep frown on his face, his fins were still folded against his body in a guilty manner making him look smaller than normal. You felt really bad for him, he clearly felt responsible for the injury on your arm. It wasn't his fault and you didn't blame him for any of it.

The doctor prescribed you with some pain meds for the slight throbbing pain that swayed your concentration. The worst thing about the injury was that you weren't allowed to get it wet. Especially swimming with Levi because of the risk of infection.

Levi leaving forward towards your wound with his tongue out, is what cut you from your thoughts, you pulled your arm back and pushed him away by his forehead, you were surprised at how easily you were able to push him away but you figured that he had let you do that.

"Ew no Levi, don't lick it" you laughed.

Your world stopped when surprisingly Levi laughed along with you, it was music to your ears, it sounded more like clicks and purrs but it was Seinfeld a laugh. He quickly stopped the laugh, it now becoming a distant memory. With a now serious face Levi began tugging on your leg trying to get you to swim with him.

"I'm sorry Levi but I can't swim with you, I'm not allowed to get my arm wet because of infection" you looked away from him feeling guilty, you both loved swimming together and this was going to destroy you.

You heard a small understanding mew from Levi and you looked up when his arms circled your thighs his head being placed on top. His eyes closed and a deep purr emitted from his chest as his tail flicked and fluttered to keep his balance.

You loved times like this the peaceful relaxing comfort of Levi, your hands ran through his damp hair making his purr louder. It felt like nothing could ever go wrong.

*(Y/N)'s Father's POV*

You had drunk so much over the past few weeks that you didn't even notice the fact that (Y/N) hadn't been home in a long while. But now since your cash had started to run dry you were left sober enough to realise what was really happening.

The little bitch had run away...

A quick route around her bedroom confirmed this, you were going to hurt her really bad and lock her away in the basement where she would never see another human being ever again as punishment for running away.

You had the news on in the background, drunk or sober you still hated the silence of your own home. Finally, the news said something that instantly caught your attention.

"Now over to the (C/N) aquarium where apparently a new employee is capable of calming the famous beast that resides there" the news reporter explained loud and clear.

(C/N) aquarium? That's where your traitorous a daughter now worked. Your eyes snapped up to the TV, your eyes wide as a psychotic plan began to form in your mind.

Your eyes widened, on the screen (Y/N) was sat right at the bottom of a giant aquarium tank, a tank that you couldn't see the other side of, a merman swam around her but always kept close and in contact with her. The little bitch has left me for a mermaid, you thought.

"The girl, (Y/N) (L/N), now works at the aquarium full time and what's more? The merman has calmed down so much that this exhibit is now open to the public. But be warned, don't attack (Y/N) or a very angry merman could be the last thing you see, with this newest story from the aquariums scientific researcher." The screen flicked away from the reporter and instead focused on a woman you assumed was the researcher.

But you weren't listening to any of that, instead you got up picked up your hand gun that lay on the coffee table in front of you before going out the door. Leaving the TV on and the door unlocked. You were going to make (Y/N) pay for leaving you...

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