Chapter 10 [edited]

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The night air was charged with tension as sirens filled the once peaceful silence. As the temperature continued to drop, a sense of urgency engulfed the crowd outside of the Swan residence. Charlie was standing at a table in the front yard, going over a map of Forks with Billy and some of the volunteers, worry etched into every line of his face. Mike, Eric, and Tyler were standing nearby with their group of volunteers; I recognized some of the faces of the guys from school, like Noah Lodgeman from my English class this semester. He nodded at me in acknowledgment as we made eye contact from where Angela and I were huddled nearby under a blanket, using each other to keep warm as the same thoughts repeated through our minds: where was our best friend? When was the last time we had spoken to her? Was Bella okay?

"I'll call the Cullens again. Her note said she and Edward went for a walk." I heard Charlie mutter, pulling his phone out of his pocket.

"The Cullens left town," Billy told him.

"Hospital said Doc Cullen got a big job somewhere else," Harry Clearwater, Charlie's other friend from La Push, spoke as he placed a reassuring hand on Charlie's shoulder.

"That must be why they weren't at the festival," Angela whispered to me. "They had already left."

"Which means Bella's been out there for hours," I whispered back, my voice cracking.

Jacob was standing near his dad, worry written on his face as his eyes scanned the crowd. Our eyes met and I knew he was scared for Bella as much as we were, the realization of how deep his affection for her hitting me like a ton of bricks. Jacob must've figured out what I realized because his expression changed from worry to sad, his eyes pleading that he never wanted to hurt me.

I gave a small shrug in response, my way of saying we were okay. He gave me a small smile before whipping around to stare at the woods behind Charlie's house.

"Charlie!" He said urgently, causing Charlie and Billy to turn and look at where he was staring.

Sam broke from the treeline, carrying a cold and blank-faced Bella in his arms. Charlie ran across the yard to them, carefully scooping Bella into his arms.

"Thank you, Sam. Thank God," he quietly told Sam before turning and walking toward his house, whispering soothing words to Bella.

As the crowd began to disperse, I noticed the expectant stern look Sam was giving Jacob, who looked slightly uncomfortable like he was being scolded. Not wanting to interrupt their silent conversation, I said goodnight to Angela and followed Charlie into the house. Mom was already in the living room when I walked in, her face soaked with tears. Immediately, she rushed over and wrapped her arms around me, burying her face in my shoulder.

"It's okay, Mom. Don't cry." I whispered, smoothing her hair down.

"It could've been you lost in the woods," she sobbed quietly, trying to catch her breath.

"I know, but it wasn't me. It was Bella, and Charlie needs us. Bella is going to need us."

"You're right," she sniffled as she let me go to wipe her tears away. "I'm just glad Sam found her when he did and that she's okay."

"I don't know about the okay part, but now she's safe and home." I agreed as a thought occurred. "I have to make a phone call. I'll be right outside."

Mom nodded as I made my way to the front door, nearly colliding with Jacob and Billy as they came through the door.

"Sorry," I apologized as I moved out of the way. "I didn't know you were still here."

"Dad and I are going to spend the night," Jacob explained, nodding to the duffel bag in Billy's lap. "Are you leaving?"

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