Chapter 35 [edited]

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The lazy chirping of nearby birds slowly brought me to drowsy consciousness, taking me a minute to remember where I was. Jacob was still asleep next to me, soft snores rumbling from his throat as his arm was wrapped around me. Last night instantly replayed in my mind and a wave of pure happiness washed over me. Careful not to disturb my sleeping fiance, I shifted slightly so I could tilt my head up comfortably and study him.

His hair had grown a bit longer since his buzz cut; it was still relatively short, but a comb was required to smooth it down. His face was peaceful, almost as if he wasn't about to fight an army of newborns in a few hours. My eyes were drawn to his mouth, his lips slightly parted as his jaw was slacked, free of clenched tension.

The urge to kiss him overcame me, and I wasn't sure if it was only that or if last night had awakened something in me. While I debated with myself internally, I heard a zipper break the eerie silence of the campsite, followed by Bella's voice a few seconds later.

"Hi, Seth."


"Where's Jacob? Did he already...?"

"Not yet," Edward's voice answered her. "It's a bit early... I'm sure he and Autumn are still asleep."

You know I'm not, I mentally rolled my eyes at Edward, hearing him chuckle under his breath as he passed our tent.

"Oh... should we wake them up?"

"I don't think that's a good idea. I'm sure they'll come around soon."

Thanks for the privacy though.

"In the meantime, we can make breakfast, and Seth can do a quick sweep around the area until he has to stay out of sight," Edward added.

"I could get used to this," Jacob murmured, pulling me away from eavesdropping any further as he brushed a hand across my cheek. "Good morning, beautiful."

"Good morning to you, too." I leaned forward and kissed him. "I would've wakened you differently, but..."

"We have company."


"As much as I'd love to see how... quiet... you can be," Jacob sat up slowly as he stretched his body out, "I don't think Edward wants to hear Round 2."

"I don't think I want him to, either." I giggled, flopping back onto the bed as soon as Jacob vacated.

"How are you feeling this morning?" Jacob winked suggestively as he changed in khaki shorts.

"Wonderful." I grinned shyly, my face hot from blushing. "You?"

"Incredible." He paused for a second, studying me with concentration. "Something about you seems... different."

"Like a good different?" I raised an eyebrow in confusion.

"Like, magic different. I don't know how else to explain it," he said sheepishly. "Maybe it's just my imagination."


Before one of us could speak again, my stomach growled loudly in protest for food. Jacob laughed loudly before reaching for me.

"Breakfast should be ready by now."

I grabbed his outstretched hand and let him pull me to my feet. Wrapping the blanket around my body, I wandered over to my open suitcase and rummaged through for my clothes. Getting dressed quickly in jeans and a wine red tank top, I threw my hair into a messy bun before lacing up my black boots and following Jacob out of the tent. Edward and Bella both looked up from the small fire as we walked over to them.

Falling for Autumn | Jacob BlackWhere stories live. Discover now