Chapter 46 [edited]

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Edward and Rosalie both snapped out of their frozen trance at the same time, immediately whisking Bella's twitching body upstairs to the hospital bed. Jacob raced after them, me stumbling numbingly behind him.

"Get the morphine!" Edward yelled at Rosalie as he double-checked the room for whatever they would need that Carlisle kept near the bed.

"Alice, get Carlisle on the phone!" Rosalie screeched.

The two of them became a blur as they frantically moved around the room before Rosalie pinned Bella down to the bed, ripping her clothes out of the way while Edward stabbed a syringe into her arm.

"Edward, what's happening?" I breathed from the doorway, staying out of the way.

"He's suffocating!"

"The placenta must have detached!" Rosalie added.

Bella came around at some point in all of this because suddenly she shrieked at Edward.

"Get him OUT! He can't BREATHE! Do it NOW!"

"The morphine has to spread-" Edward growled as Rosalie grabbed a scalpel.

"NO, NOW-" Bella's voice cut off as another gush of blood spilled out of her mouth. Edward held her head up, trying to clear her mouth so she could breathe again.

"We can't wait any longer." Rosalie growled back before turning her gaze to Bella's body.

"Bella, look at me." Jacob said, moving closer to her so she didn't watch Rosalie.

Rosalie took a deep breath and moved her hand to Bella's exposed stomach, swiftly making an incision as Bella screamed out in pain.

"Leaf," Rosalie murmured under her breath before her eyes lost focus; the sight of blood dripping from Bella's body distracted her from getting the baby out.

It took me a second to realize why Rose called me until Edward yelled.

"Rose, no!"

Without thinking, I threw my hand out, knocking Rosalie back with a gust of air. Jacob launched himself at her to keep distance between her and the blood as Edward hollered for Alice, who had stepped out of the room to answer Carlisle's second call back.

"Alice, get Rose out of here! Take her to Jasper and keep her there! Jacob, I need you!"

"What do you need me to do?" Jacob returned to the table, his eyes locked on Edward's face.

"CPR?" Edward glanced at him.


"Get her breathing! I've got to get him out before--"

Another shattering crack pierced the air, stopping us in our tracks as we waited for Bella's answering scream; it never came. Instead, her legs went from curled up to completely limp, sprawling out from her body unnaturally.

"Her spine," Edward choked out in horror.

"Damn it, Edward... get it out of her now!" I screamed as Jacob flung the dropped scalpel in his direction. "SAVE MY BEST FRIEND!"

That seemed to knock some sense back into Edward because he motioned for Jacob to start CPR as he finished Rosalie's job. The sound of metal being shredded apart caused Jacob to momentarily look up from Bella's face, realization dawning on him as he watched Edward's face pressed against her stomach. A previous conversation came flooding back to me: vampire teeth was the only solid way to cut through vampire skin. Edward had torn open the membrane holding the baby inside Bella's womb.

"Renesmee," Edward whispered in awe, holding the tiny being.

"Let me..." Bella croaked out in a broken whisper. "Give her to me."

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