Chapter 20 [edited]

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"Where's Jacob?" I asked Sam, scrambling to my feet. The chair teetered on its back legs from the force and I quickly grasped the back, making sure it didn't fall to the floor.

"He's on his way back," Sam said grimly. "He had to go check on Billy."

That's at least five minutes from here.

"I think I know where Bella is. Tell Jacob to meet me at the cliff!" I called over my shoulder as I ran toward the road. "And make sure he hurries!"

Trying to remember which trail would take me to the cliff, I ran as fast as my legs could carry me, grateful for being on the track team back in Michigan. As I passed a familiar clearing, I recognized the cliff where Sam and the guys go cliff diving. My eyes frantically searched the upper ledge, and my heart stopped when I saw Bella prepare herself to jump.

"Bella, don't!" I screamed. The wind drowned out my scream and I watched as Bella launched herself into the water. Terrified that Bella had gotten hurt, I burst through the woods and bolted to the shoreline.

Waves were crashing against the cliffs violently, the wind howling as a storm brewed on the horizon. I searched the water for a sign, any sign, of my best friend. From behind me, I heard Jacob calling my name.

"Autumn, where's Bella?" He panted as he came to a stop.

"She jumped... from the cliff. The upper ledge. I don't see her!" My voice cracked, the panic settling in.

"We'll find her." Jacob wrapped an arm around my shoulder as he scanned the angry water. "I think I see her! I'll be right back, stay here."

Before I could protest, Jacob took off for the water, gracefully diving underneath the waves. I wrapped my jacket tighter around me as I shivered, the wind turning icy as it blew across the back of my neck. A few seconds later, Jacob's head popped above the water, Bella next to him. As he swam back to shore, a flash of red about twenty feet away appeared, almost floating in the ocean. In a blink of an eye, it was gone and I brushed it away as my eyes playing tricks on me. Jacob made it to shore, laying Bella down in the sand.

"Come on, Bella. Breathe," he urged as he performed CPR. A few moments passed before Bella sputtered, coughing up water. She slowly opened her eyes to see us hovering over her.

"What the hell were you thinking?!" I yelled at her. "Are you crazy?"

"Jacob! Take them back to your house!" Sam called out, causing all of us to turn toward him. "I'm going to the hospital."

"What's wrong?" Bella asked worriedly.

"Harry had a heart attack. He's dead." Jacob said quietly as he helped her to her feet.

"Oh no." Bella's eyes widened. "Poor Charlie."

"I'll go grab the car." Jacob jogged ahead of us, disappearing in seconds. I turned toward Bella, who was biting her lower lip.

"I had to do it," she spoke softly. "I had to see him."

"I know," I slung my arm around her. "You just picked a crappy day to do it."

"What else did I miss today?"

"Not much. I found out I have a Quileute ancestor. And Jacob imprinted on me."

"What!" Bella gasped as she gawked at me. "That's awesome, I'm happy for you!"


"Yes," she admitted honestly. "I love Jacob, but as a brother. Maybe in another life, but... my heart is already taken. No matter what... he... says."

Falling for Autumn | Jacob BlackWhere stories live. Discover now