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Laura was also in my band class. She played bassoon. One day during class in ninth grade our teacher introduced us to the color guard. The marching band members whose job it was to run around the field and twirl flags.

Mr. Harem let them in and gave them a short introduction. After which they took us through the secret passage to the stage and showed us a few moves.

"Wait, wait, so you do it like this?" Laura fumbled with the flag until it dropped out of her hands.

"No it's more like this," I demonstrated as the girls who were instructing had.

"Yea you gotta do like a this with your hand. Right then left. Just turn. It's in the wrist." A bigger blonde girl explained. I kind of recognized her. She had been in my band class since we transferred over to the junior high and the sections had been combined. I couldn't put my finger on the instrument she played. I had never really talked to her before, but I never really talked to anyone in band before.

"Exactly." I agreed before the girls leading the session came back up front and led us through a short routine with the spin they had just taught us.

"That was actually pretty fun." Blondie mentioned my way as we were walking back to class.

"I don't know if I could do it but you were rocking it over there!" Laura complimented.

"Oh don't even, I'm sure you were great too! You were just behind me so I couldn't really see but I bet you did amazing." I assured. "You caught on pretty quick too." I mentioned to Blondie.

"I feel like that was the easy stuff though, in reality it's probably much harder." She disregarded my comment.

"Oh yea, totally. Elise by the way." I glanced over to her.



"We should all join together. I feel like it'd be really fun!" Mae decided.

"Really, I don't think I'd be that good at it." Laura frowned.

"Nonsense. Let's do it!" I laughed and pushed Laura's shoulder slightly. If I don't get into soccer then I'll do that for sure. I decided. Regardless of who does it.

"I like this idea. Alright." Mae pounded my fist as we filed back into our seats.

Trombone then. I noted seeing where Mae sat.

If, I don't get into soccer. I repeated in my head. If.

The first day of soccer tryouts was filled with running and sprints designed to test our stamina. Then the end of the practice was where we'd have to bump the ball back and forth with a partner. I had never been good at either of those.

"Here. Just try to get it up." My partner threw the ball up again towards my head and I bounced it back. It ended up flying just out of reach and hitting the wall to bounce back towards me.

"Damn it." I cursed grabbing it and tossing it up to my partner again as she hit it perfectly back. I tried again and again. Just couldn't seem to get to go where I wanted.

"Alright guys. We're going to call it a day. If I call your name come line up outside my office. My LA teacher instructed pulling out her phone and reading off the top. "Alright, Sarah, Abby, Taylor, Hailey, Hallie, Brianna, and Elise. That's it. Go rest up. Back at it tomorrow." She ended closing out her phone and shoving it back into her pocket.

"Ehhhh, nerves. What do you think they're calling us for?" I wondered aloud with a horrible feeling in my gut.

"Probably cuts." One of the girls answered shamefully.

I am the Skeleton in the ClosetOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant