What We All Wondered

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A few months passed with radio silence before Brian got back to me again.

Hey, I was gonna take a trip up within the next month, you still working at that mediterranean place?


Alright, I'll plan on making a stop by so we can talk.

Alright, I'll be here. I answered with a sigh. We'll see.

Thinking around Christmas sometime. Haven't solidified any dates or anything yet, but I'll let you know when I'm in the area so we can work something out.

Sure. Let me know. I shorted, effectively ending the conversation. I'll believe it when I see it.

About a month later he gave me the dates and I let him know my schedule. If he doesn't come up this time I'm done. I don't have room for more let downs in my life right now. Maybe revisit it later, but if he doesn't come this time it's obvious he has more important things going on. I shrugged reading over the time frame. If it happens it happens. I'm not gonna do anything special, he'll have to let me know, balls in your court now.

Soon Christmas approached and, no matter how hard I tried not to, I went into work with a twinge of excitement each day. Is today the day? I wondered with a spring in my step. Yet every day I was left driving home thinking, Guess not. Eventually I gave up and decided that it wasn't worth getting excited for. I convinced myself it wasn't going to happen and that I was wasting my time. He's had all week and I haven't heard a peep. Something came up again I bet. I despaired as they called me upfront to train on the line.

"Alright so you get the bread, top with veggies, then ring them up. Super straight forward." My teacher explained demonstrating as I did my best to copy his movements.

"Alright I think I can handle it." I decided, jumping into the line and becoming a part of the machine.

"I can't believe they haven't had you do this before." Tegan mused.

"I know right?" I laughed. "Better late than never though." I joked. "Hey man I'm jus-" I cut myself short as I saw Steph walk through the front door. "I gotta.." I trailed off getting out of the line up.

"Hey where are you going?"

I nodded slightly over and he caught my drift with a brief glance at my twin.

"Oh, OK, back in fifteen alright? And I want these skewers cleaned when you get back."

"No worries." I hobbled to the back with the skewer tray before popping back out. "I have something for you." I pointed at Steph. Brian looked like he had just seen a ghost. Holy shit he actually came! I couldn't hold back my smile as I disappeared to grab the Christmas presents I had stowed in my car. I'd been meaning to give them to Steph or Kathy for the past few weeks. "Here. I got Ray some model car thing, The necklace is something I made for Kathy and you should get what your present is." I handed it to her still kind of ignoring Brian. I had no idea what to say.

"Well hi there." He butted in.

"Hey. So nice to finally meet you!" I was relieved not to have had the first word.

"Yeah you too. Come here!" He pulled me in for a hug.

"You guys want some food or something?" I offered getting behind the counter again.

"Yeah ... but I have no idea what I want." He gazed up at the menu in confusion.

"Want me to just make you something?" I offered. "I don't know what you like... But I know what I like, so maybe they're the same."

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