Unforgivable Words

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Eric and I had been dating for quite a few months now and things were going good. I finally found someone to confide things in that I felt I could trust and he found the same in me. Now there was someone I could turn to when I was feeling down and someone to keep track of my deepest darkest secrets. He knew my middle name, he knew that I was adopted, he never mentioned my birthmark, and did his best to get me to forget my family troubles. We were honeymooning with no end in sight, I didn't quite think of him as an end all yet, but I was starting to plan my life with him in it. We shared most friends and every morning we were sitting next to each other with fingers intertwined. Sure there were things that I was still on the fence about, but such is life. He's fulfilling every expectation so far. We often fight, but it's nothing we haven't been able to compromise on before. After all, with a face like mine, this is probably as good as it's gonna get.

Often when Eric came to school his homework would still be unfinished and he would go straight to the library to use the computers there to finish it. Can't blame him, given his four siblings. I thought back to the small ramshackle brick house they lived in. They had one computer that everyone had to share, and it was out of the early two-thousands when computers were just coming out. I don't know why the school just expects everyone to have constant computer access. Especially the poorer families. Like get some sort of system in place. I complained as I hiked over to the library to find him.

"Hey. What are you doing over here?" He asked as I walked into his row of computers.

"Came to find you. What cha working on?" I asked, grabbing his shoulders and leaning down to computer level.

"He didn't finish his math." His brother chimed in teasingly.

"Hey, I tried. It's not my fault they want it done online and all Max wants to do is play that dumbass game." He defended himself. "How are you baby?" He looked up and kissed my cheek.

"Not bad. Focus on your math though cuz I wanna go sit at the lunch tables."

"Just give me a second geez." He sighed looking back at the computer.

I'll just play a computer game. I decided, powering up the dinosaur next to him. I hope the school lets me onto that site. I punched in the URL and slowly the screen loaded. "Damn they need to update these pieces of shit." I jabbed the enter button a few more times before the screen frosted over from too many commands. "So this is gonna take a second."

"Yeah they've been dumb today. I don't know what it is."

"I feel like some of these work faster than others." I decided to hop over a computer. "See?" I showed as it quickly loaded the page.

"Whoa, what game is that?" His brother Chris asked, getting up and moving over to watch me.

"I forget the name, pretty fun though, a little tedious." I briefly explained.

"Ooo that looks fu-fun." Eric added in turning towards me and pulling up.

"What are you doing, no, go back to your computer. You have math to do, remember." I coached jokingly.

"Well I would but this um computer won't load it." He excused scooting closer.

"Well then maybe try another. Either way you gotta get it done before the bell rings for class."

"F-Fine. I'll go back to it." He was suddenly aggravated.

"I didn't mean to piss you off. What's wrong?" I stopped playing and died in my game.

"Awww! Better luck next time." His brother added in obliviously.

"It's n-nothing." Eric almost shouted.

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