A Sense of Belonging

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Soon enough the vacation approached. Sarah only got one of her sons to join Steph and I on the journey. His name was Darrian. He stood about my height and was only twelve years old. His hair was a bright blonde and fell straight down and around his head like a golden egg. He had a lazy demeanor and pretended not to care about most things in life.

"Wanna see my crib?" Was the first thing he said to me upon meeting him. Then afterwards he tried to tackle me, so he ended up on the floor pretty quickly twisted into an arm lock.

Brian had gotten a hold of the old family van for the trip. It was a big silver monstrosity with curtains we could draw over the side and back windows. The seats folded down in the back so we could have a flat area to sit and hang out while Sarah and Brian sat in the front. We stayed at Sarah's trailer for most of the week and just ran around having fun at the various activities they had there.

Steph and Darrian didn't get along too well at first. He had little care for what other people thought about him and was all too ready to put you in your place if he didn't agree. Him and I got along just fine. We shared a similar distaste for family functions and being told what to do. For whatever reason I was able to level with him about things, get him to see things from someone else's point of view. Namely Stephs'.

"What's wrong?" I asked seeing her pissed expression one morning.

"Him." Was all she had to say pointing towards Darrian angrily.

"What'd you do this time?" I sighed rolling my eyes as I came up to him.

"Nothing. It was her. I swear!" He tried to push off blame.

"Bull shit. What'd you do?" I asked again. "I'm giving you the chance to tell me your side before I go find out from her." I added watching him trying to formulate another story.

"We were at the beach and I was just having fun and she suddenly got all mad at me for no reason." He tried.

"Alright, why do you think she got mad at you?" I asked more specifically.

"I don't kno-" He started before Steph cut him off.

"You don't know!? I was just minding my own business and he just started throwing sand at me for no reason!" She blew up suddenly.

"Did you throw sand at her?" I asked hearing Sarah in the background ready to get up and have a talk with him.

"No I didn't!" He defended.

"Alright, so that's a yes. Please don't lie to me." I cut through him with my jagged eyes. "Apologize, OK?"

"What? Uh..." He sighed rubbing his face with his hands. "I didn't do anything."

"If you didn't do anything then why is she mad?" I asked simply. "Apologize and we can go back to go have fun at the beach." I explained sternly hearing Sarah sit back down.

"I wanna see how this plays out now." She whispered to Brian laughing a bit.

"Alright I'm sorry. Geeze." He rolled his eyes.

"Alright. Who wants to go swim or something? We could try to swim out to the island in the lake." I offered.

"I'm in." Steph announced.

"Wanna come Darrian?" I asked sincerely.

"Not if you guys are gonna make fun of me the whole time." He sighed walking back inside.

"I promise that I will try my best. I can't speak for Steph of course. But how about this." I followed him inside. "If I or her say something that pisses you off. 1. Tell me and I can sort it out. And 2. I'll let you sling it right back. No questions asked no yelling or anything. OK?" I looked him in his eyes.

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