The Unforeseen Twist

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Biiiiiiinnnnggggg the school bell rang signaling the end of the day.

"I better get down to the vending machine to get my food before work." I mumbled to myself as I barreled through the bus crowd towards the gym. Let's see.... Fruit snacks, or candy bar... well, I guess fruit snacks are the most filling. I sighed putting in my dollar and fifty cents and punching the number in. "Delicious." I joked with myself tossing a strawberry shaped one up and catching it in my mouth. Guess I should find Micah, I don't think the rehearsals started yet. I figured walking off towards the band hall way.

"Elise! Elise, Elise, Elise." Ran up Shelby, one of his close friends. "I found her!!" She shouted back and Micah appeared from behind the pillars.

"What's up?" I asked, picking out another gummy.

"Hey, so yeah, let's hang out over here for a minute." Micah smiled, grabbing me by my shoulders and pulling me off to the side.

"What? What's going on?" I followed him out of view by the staircase.

"I don't know where to start... ummmm.. Why don't yo-" Micah covered his mouth and looked down.

"What? She's your girlfriend." Shelby whacked his arm playfully.

"Tell me what? What's going on?" Who died? I was concerned at this point, watching Micah's face contort.

"Nothing, it's nothing." He tried to write off peeking around the corner behind him.

"Well no use hiding from nothing." I tried to walk off.

"No-nono-n-no." He grabbed my shoulders again and placed me back where I was.

"Then what? What's going on?" I threw my arms down making sure to squeeze my gummies so they wouldn't fall.

"So... uh... Eric-"



"Is he here?"

"Oh God I hope not." He peeked his head around the corner again sheepishly. "No, not yet."

"Well I appreciate the heads up bu-"

"He's in a military uniform." Shelby broke in.

"Shut up.... You're kidding.."

"No, she is not kidding, actually. And he had been messaging me earlier this week-"

"What? And you didn't tell me?"

"Well, I didn't think he'd show up. He was just asking how you were, I told him you were good. I didn't think." He pushed up his forehead, smoothing out the wrinkles. "But now he's back there asking about you, in full military attire."

"Well, that's one way to do that. Whatever." I decided to walk out again.

"What? No. Where are you going?" Micah tried to move me back but I pushed through him.

"Well if he wants to see me nothing you're gonna be able to do is gonna prevent him." I rationalized. "So here's what we're gonna do. Let's get a group of friends together, start talking all happily, then when he comes out I can kiss you or something in front of him. He should get the message." I planned. And hopefully not talk to me.

"What? I, I don't know if I'm comfortable with that." He confessed.

"Yeah, I know. I don't like public affection much either, so here, compromise. I'll hug you. Is that ok?" I asked strutting over to the door I knew he'd leave out of eventually.

"Uhhhhhhhh.... Fine." He decided, seeing my determination and following me.

So we did just that. There was always a group of band or theater brats out in front of the band hallways heavy double doors. We melded in with them making a giant circle and I positioned myself facing the doors next to Micah and interlocked our fingers. It wasn't long before he found his way through those doors and to me.

I am the Skeleton in the Closetजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें