C H A P T E R 3

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Masky woke up from the slumber he didn't know he'd taken. Sighing, he picked up his phone to check the time.

'6:30 P.M' he groaned at how late it had become. Lazily getting off the bed, he went to the bathroom to freshen himself up. He didn't like the feeling of being tired, despite the fact he usually always was.

He wasn't planning on leaving his room, maybe to go for a smoke break. He'd finished all his missions for the day, and Slender hadn't given him a new one, despite the one with Y/n.

'Come to my office. We must discuss your mission concerning Y/n.' Slender spoke in his head as if reading his mind. He rolled his eyes and opened the door to his room to leave, spotting Toby walking down the hall. Masky made sure Toby wouldn't notice him for the sake of his sanity and left his room to his boss's office.

Before he could even knock on the door, Slender called him in. That was something that always amazed Masky. How Slender could notice you're there even if you didn't make a sound. He opened the door and stood in front of the faceless entity.

"Hello, child. I have more information about your mission."


Masky left the office, avoiding running into anyone. He didn't like an unnecessary conversation. Everyone in the house was too annoying for him, and he'd rather stay by himself.

Once shutting the door closed, the brown-haired male read through the whole report.

" Let's see... her biological parents along with her brother died in a car accident that only she survived...basically a loner with no friends at all, suicide attempts over 5? Ha, what a loser." He threw the paper onto his desk after the snarky comment. Masky never felt pity for people who are depressed or act like so. Maybe once or twice when he first started out as a proxy. But now, he loved hearing the screams of those same people who wanted so desperately to end their life. Y/n was no different to him.


"Hi, Y/n! Long-time no see!"

"Yeah same to you...." Y/n replied awkwardly. She hasn't really talked to anyone her age or hung out with them like this in a long time. The female knew better than to think Armelle cared to hang out with her. She knew that her 'friend' wished she could have gone with someone else. Y/n wasn't popular nor talked to anyone. Why? That's because she had social anxiety. 

"So... what mall are we going to?" Y/n broke away from her thoughts and asked a question. They were on the highway, and memories of the past flooded her mind. She looked to her friend, who had a smile on her face.

" Oh, We're going to _____ mall. They have nice clothes there, so I decided on it. Unless you have somewhere else in mind?"" Y/n shook her head 'no. Armelle was so caring. Why was she acting so cold and distant towards her?

'Stop trusting people so easily. It's only going to bite you in the ass in the end.'

"So, how are you doing?"

"I'm fine, you?" "

"Oh, I'm great! There's a sale at this makeup store, and I need a couple of things I need to get from there." Y/n remembered that Armelle had wanted to be a cosmetologist when they graduated out of school.

"I forgot how much you like makeup. Are you still planning on going into cosmetology?"

"Yeah, I wrote a college essay to..." Armelle talked to Y/n about her plans after they graduate, and the h/c haired girl would be lying if she said she wasn't jealous. She had her whole life planned out, and Y/n didn't even think much about the future.


Finally getting there, Y/n was dragged out by Armelle to a fancy high-end makeup store. A store that even is Y/n wanted to buy something, she was too broke to afford anything. She followed the blue eyed girl through the store, every now and then picking up a tube of something to see what it was.

Armelle had spotted a friend of hers that Y/n wasn't fond of at all. Unfortunately, Y/n knew where the situation was going to go.

"Oh, Y/N! I found my friend here, and since she wanted to go to all the same stores like me, I think I'll go with her. Then I'll meet you at the front of the mall, and I'll drive you home, Ok?" Before the female could even answer back, her friend had left.

'She goes ahead and invites me, then leaves me. What a bitch move.' Y/n thought as she exited the store. She went up the escalator, deciding on going to Hot Topic because why not?

Getting off the escalator, she had knocked into what felt like another human.

"I'm so sorry!" A voice that seemed to be feigning sorrow had spoken. Y/n was suspicious but brushed it off as her not being good with people, and not knowing what they were thinking.

"Here, let me help you up," Y/n took the hand that was in front of her and looked up to see whoever it was that knocked her down.

. . .

When I first wrote this Armelle was such a stereotypical white girl I can't. This chapter had to be one of the worst ones I've ever wrote. See you all next chapter. Bye Clouds! Edited


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