C H A P T E R 27

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"I'll give you three seconds to explain." I said threateningly

"Oh don't flatter yourself. I'll kill you before that." The voice responded.

"Masky?" I question, loosening my grip on his neck.

"Yeah now what the fuck are you doing outside the mansion?"

"Getting my old stuff back."

"Uhuh at 3 a.m?"

"Yeah well if I told Slender he would've got it for me and I don't want him seeing my shit." I responded.

"I call bullshit."

"Bullshit my ass. If I was going to escape, you really think I'd come here? I'm not stupid."

"Looks like it."

"Tch, whatever, I'm leaving. Have fun looking through this hell hole" I shot back before teleporting me and my stuff away.

I get to my room in the creepypasta mansion and put the stuff in places that would look nice. I then change into my pajamas and jump into my bed, attempting to fall asleep.

"Hey dumbass, wake up." Someone shook me. I grunted and switched my pose.

"Goddammit what the hell do you want." I whined. I was having a good sleep.

"Don't get a fucking attitude with me, and Slender wants to see you."

"Ight I'll be there in two minutes." I said and shooed the voice away. When the door closed I got up. I put on a hoodie and some leggings to hide the scars that i had. I put my hair into a loose ponytail and teleport to outside Slenders office. No fucking way am I climbing all those stairs.

Before I could even knock on the door, Slender tells me to go in. He sounds mad. I go in to see Masky and Slender.

"Now F/n, care to tell me what you were doing outside the mansion last night?"

Masky you fucking snitch.

Time Skip

After what seemed like hours of trying to convince the tall man that I wasn't trying to leave and just needed to get some things from my house, he finally let me go. Though now he was keeping a high alert on me. When I left, I gave Masky a death stare, and he gave an aura that told me he was smirking.

Oh so that's how we're playing.

I take the stairs to my room, too tired to teleport. That was a con to my new found power. If used too much, I would get worn out. From what I've experienced, it was quicker to wear me out in the day time then it was in the dark.

When I got to the hall where my room was, I went to turn to where my door entrance was, but bumped into someone.

"God fucking dammit." I mutter out. Even more human interaction.

"Watch where the hell you're going." He growled. I knew it was Masky, but I was too tired to argue back, so I just gave a 'tch' in response. I opened my room and sat on the bed. I had to go somewhere with Tim, or well Masky. I don't really feel comfortable calling him Tim anymore, it just didn't feel right. Goddammit this stupid boy who I haven't even had a proper conversation is all I could think about.

It was 12 a.m, so I started to get ready for the event. Lol that sounded so formal. We're probably going to like Mcdonalds or something.

Hmm, what to where...

After like 30 minutes of picking an outfit out, I decided on this:

Wear whatever you please

I hop into the shower and wash my hair in (insert shampoo) I then get out and brush my teeth and do all the things to prepare myself for the day. I leave the bathroom and realise just hungry I am. I haven't eaten in a while. I look at the time. It was now 1 p.m. I could probably sneak in a snack.

I go invisible and teleport to the kitchen. There sat BEN and Jeff.

"You know for a maid, I have seen her clean like, twice." The white skinned man admitted. I mean, he isn't wrong. I probably should do more of that.

I slowly crept near a cabinet, hoping luck would be by my side. Making sure the two of them couldn't see me I ran the rest of the way to the cabinet. Though the attempt was effortless because I realised my attempt was useless because I was invisible. I open the cabinet and see a bunch of snacks. I looked for something that wouldn't make noise when taking it out. The food of course.

"I'm getting something to eat." I hear BEN. Fuck. I got to leave.

"Hey, you left the cabinet open."

"No dumbass I didn't even get something to eat."

He kept on getting closer. My mind started to race. Then, I did the first thing my mind could think of.

He got like a foot away from me and I stood behind him, put one hand on his mouth and the other held his wrist tight. I saw his eyes widen and he was about to say something and fight back, but I beat him to it.

"Shhhh, don't fight it or say anything." I whispered in his ear, I loosened my grip on his mouth, and took my hand off his wrist. Then when I was sure he wouldn't panis or whatever, I let him go completely.

"What the fuck Y/n? I thought you were dark link or something." He said, still kind of shook.

"Eh, couldn't get caught. Now get me some twinkies." I said in a whisper. I didn't need anyone else knowing about this.

"Uh yeah, here." He said unsteadily. What, stuff like this doesn't happen to you everyday?

"Thanks, bye now." I said.

Maybe living here isn't so bad

. . .

A longer chapter!! And omg guys we're about to hit 3k reads!! Thank you all so much for supporting me. When I first began, I never thought I would get more than 100 reads, let alone 3k. You all are so special and you people mean the world to me. Also in this chapter I added a lot more masky and reader moments, because this is where the story really begins. But anyways, I'll see you next chapter. Bye Clouds!! Unedited


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