C H A P T E R 47

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"Y/n dear..."

"Momma, where are you?" I managed to peep out.

"Open your eyes."

I was no longer struggling to open my eyes. Maybe it was the desperation, but I didn't have the time to think.

I opened my eyes and I was in a completely different world. It was a beautiful garden of sunflowers. The sun was setting, but it didn't seem to move. It was almost perfect.

"Mom?!" I yelled in a worried tone. I wasn't going to lose her again.

"Turn around dear."

"MOM!" I yelled in joy and pulled her into a tight hug. She returned the hug and I crie into her shoulder.

"Mom, *sniff* I... I missed you so much." I sobbed out. She didn't respond, she only patted my back for comfort.

"Y/n come with me. You can live your life with Dad, Asher, and I. We can live a happy life."

"B-but, what about-"

"I know dear. You started killing people. But abandon your ways and join us in the after life."

"M-momma what?"

"Y/n come now."

"B-but I don't want t-o"

"I was hoping you were better than this."


"You're a disgrace."

Before I knew it she was walking away to the abyss.


Why can't I move my legs.


Why is everything going black again. No, I have to see her again.


I wake up in a cold sweat. Was it a dream?

"What happened?"

No, it felt to real.

I couldn't form any words.

"I'm going for a walk. Don't follow." Was what I manage to form. I took the hoodie I usually went killing in. I took a sharp knife and left. I barely left the mansion without crying. I got out and ran far away, tears streaming down my face. It was too much. Goddamnit, I should've seen something like this coming.

I eventually made it to a two story house. I looked through one of the windows and some children tv show was playing. A family.

Anger boiled inside of me. Why do they get to be happy and I have to live like this?

Before I even knew it. I climbed through one of the windows and was in a massive bedroom. I went invisible And crept into the living room. Two children watching TV, a guy, who I presume to be the father, is on his phone, and a mother cooking. I rolled my eyes at the generic family. I watched the father leave to his room. You followed behind him.

"Hi babe,"

The fucktard is cheating.

After a while of back and forth conversation of very disturbing things, the guy hangs up and goes to leave the room, but I drop something behind him on purpose.

"Fucktards like you shouldn't exist." I whispered in his ear as I pinned him to the door.

"Wh-Who are you?" He stuttered out.

"Why would you cheat on your wife? I'm sure she's a lovely lady."

"U-uh I uh-"

"I won't tell her though."


"If you do me just one favor."

"What is it-MMMM" He muffled as I snapped his wrist. I couldn't have him making any noise.

"Call the girl you just talked to. Tell her what you're doing."

"Gah~ She already k-knows."

"Then what's the problem calling her? I'm sure she won't mind it."

"What the h-hell are you?"

"Your worst nightmare"


After killing the mother and father, I watched the kids tremble in terror underneath the table. I laughed. I found the mothers wallet.

"Here's 100$ for each of you. Stay safe kiddos!" I handed them the money with a smile on a face.

"Oh! Don't bother telling anyone. No one trusts children. I know from experience. And you! Take care of your sister, she's a gem." I told them. They nodded their heads and I laughed. I waved them goodbye and teleported out.

I teleported at the start of the forest and walked back. I never noticed how much more dense the air is near the mansion. I was enjoying the silence of the woods when I felt a presence.

"Can I help you?"

"You should find yourself help before offering others."

"Oh behold, the ass himself, Masky!" I said in a sarcastic tone, yet was being dead serious.

"And the emotional shit, Y/n!"

"The fuck is that supposed to mean?"

"Oh like I didn't hear you cry because 'I huwt yow feewings.'"

"Who said I was crying because of you? You're nothing to me."

"And yet you still cry." He said and walked in front of me. I twitched my eye and ran up to him and tapped his shoulder. When he faced me I punched him square in the face.

"Fucking cunt."

He drew his knife and I tackled him to the ground. He pushed me off him and I rolled a couple feet away. before I knew it he was on top. I widen my eyes and he slashes his knife on my nose. And it hurt like hell. I took his head and bashed it on a tree near us. Pieces of his mask broke off, but not enough to show his face. I went to go hit him but a black rope prevented me. Shit

It was Slenderman

. . .

Heyyo! 8k reads!! Oh em gee I love you all so much!! Anyways, I'll see you guys next chapter. Bye Clouds!! Unedited


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