C H A P T E R 13

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I've had a house all my life, but why is this the first place that feels like home?

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Y/n stood in the living room, not daring to look at anyone. Before she had spotted people with masks on, faces that were definitely didn't belong to a human, and some regular looking people. Some people started to exit the room, others whispering to each other.

'Stop talking; Stop talking; Stop talking; Stop talking-"

"Y/n, hey!" BEN snapped his fingers in front of her face, and she shook out of her momentary daze.

"Sorry, I was thinking of something. Where's Jeff?"

"Over here, girly." Y/n almost jumped out of her skin at the sudden voice, then immediately went to hide behind the elf. The elf gave a light chuckle in amusement.

"Fucking calm down, geez. I'm not gonna hurt you or whatever."

"You tried killing me less than a week ago!"

"And it's my fault you just happened to be so close to where I was." Y/n looked down in thought for a second, then back up at Jeff.

"Kind of." BEN and Y/n said at the exact same time. Jeff scoffed, and the other two giggled. A small conversation was made between the three, and she couldn't realize it, but Y/n had started to become just a tad more comfortable.

"And that guy right there is bloody painter. He's incredible at painting. I got him to do the design on my door." He finished most of the list of people in the living room. Y/n nodded, then turned to look at him.

"Ok, so who was the guy who went upstairs the moment Slender left?" BEN looked to Y/n with a raised eyebrow.

"Did he have a mask on?"

"Yeah; And brown hair."

"Oh, that's Masky. Don't engage in any contact with him. He is, and almost everyone has agreed on this, a complete asshole. If you try talking to him, he'll either ignore you or pick on you." The elf explained. The female nodded her head in understanding, though still having some questions.

'Why does he seem so familiar?"

   BEN made a couple of jokes here and there, to which Y/n reacted with light laughs. Every now and then, she would receive looks from people who were moved out of the living room. Soon enough, Y/n had realized just about everyone left.

"BEN?" As his name was called, BEN quickly turned his head to look at her.

"Can you show me to my room?"




"Yeah, why are you making this such a big deal?"

"I'm not? I just asked a question."

"But why was it so dramatic?" A second of silence passed, and Y/n gave a small laugh.

"Shut up."

The two were about to go upstairs when the girl realized Jeff was still downstairs.

"Jeff, you coming?" Another wave of silence and passed, and BEN rolled his eyes. What was it with Y/n and being so dramatic about these thing?

"Fucking sure."

. . .

I cut this chapter down so much so it can fit the plot better. Sorry about that. The next chapter update will be longer! But, anyways, See you all next chapter. Bye Clouds!! Edited


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