C H A P T E R 14

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✦                                                        ✦

'I feel so alive in this dead body.'

✦                                                        ✦

As the trio walked around the manor, trying to find Y/n's room, the girl took in her surroundings. There were a couple of house plants that seemed to be dying and lots of bloodstains. Dust blanketed flat surfaces such as the window sills and countertops.

'And I'll have to be the person to clean them at the end of the day.'

A small sigh escaped her lips as they reached the fifth floor. Unlike the others, the floor looked and felt much more fancy and proper. The carpets were blue designed with golden flowers, all connected by a gold line.

"Well, this floor looks fancier than the others." The h/c haired girl mumbled, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.

"Because this, my friend, is the proxy hall." BEN opened his arms towards a door that was brown and undecorated, unlike the others. Opening the door, Y/n was met with a completely white room.

"This hurts my eyes." Y/n deadpanned, rubbing her eyes due to the brightness.

"Oh yeah, you could decorate it or whatever." He waved his hands in the air.

"Wow, glad to know you have so much enthusiasm." BEN gave a cheesy smile at the sarcasm she obviously radiated. Digging through his pocket, He found Y/n's phone and tossed it to her.

"Imagine what you want your room to look like, and it should come up!" After saying so, the two, BEN and Jeff, left the room all to Y/n.

"Whatever I want?" She muttered to herself, sitting down on the floor. Opening her now fully charged phone, she looked through various images of bedrooms she thought would be a good fit.

'What do I want?' The question flooded her mind, eyes scanning through countless bedrooms.

In all honesty, Y/n has never got this much freedom in her life. She always felt cooped up in her small bedroom with nothing going on for her. But now, it was different. She was as free as a mockingbird was to singing. She wasn't a human anymore; Y/n was the proxy to the Slenderman.

What did it even mean to be a proxy? Don't get her wrong, Y/n had a general idea. Serving her master for life or until he kills her, but she was sure there was a deeper meaning. Why of all people would Y/n be picked to be a proxy when there were way more skilled people at killing.

"I guess this room will do." Getting up from the floor, the girl closed her eyes and imagined herself standing in her newly designed room. Once seeing a change of light from her closed lids, she fluttered her eyes opened to a pretty bedroom. A bedroom that Y/n felt suited her taste and personality perfectly.

A/n: guys I can assure you it's not the end of the world if you don't like the bedroom, it's rarely even talked about. Trust me, you'll live.

Y/n laid on the black sheets. The silky cold fabric brushed her bare arms, and the girl shuddered at the contact. Only then did she realize just how strongly she needed a shower.

"I really hope I have some type of clothing in here, or I'm legit going to scream." She said aloud to herself, opening the wooden wardrobe. To her pleasure, the closet was filled with clothes she could only dream of wearing. A large smile decorated her face, complimenting her features perfectly.

Picking out a flannel shirt along with a white shirt and black jeggings to pair it, Y/n grabbed a towel and headed into the bathroom. It was already themed like her bedroom, LED lights, and everything.

"Okay, Y/n, don't get too used to this. Something will go bad in the end. It always does." She muttered to herself, turning the water on. As she waited for it to warm up, she stripped her clothes off and made sure the door was locked multiple times.


Once finishing wrapping her arms up with bandages, Y/n quickly went into the kitchen for water. She realized she hadn't eaten anything but a granola bar this morning. Yet when looking at the food, the girl deemed herself not hungry and skipped dinner again.

Y/n had just calmed from an anxiety attack. Anyone who looked at her could tell. H/c hair stuck out in ways it wouldn't usually. Scratch marks ran through her legs and covered her arms. All this because of her stupid, pathetic life.

Hank and Marely were out of town for the weekend, which gave Y/n the house to herself. She was already drowned in swamps of homework that she didn't even understand. But now, more than ever, the stress was catching up to her.

"What if I just ended it?" She talked to herself, plugging her earbuds in. She thought of countless ways she could leave her life behind. She could run away. Start a new life, get a job as a stripper. Live with a family of rats. It didn't sound too ideal, but it did seem way better than dealing with the hell she lived in.

"Or I could just kill myself." The reoccurring thought announced itself. It was true that Y/n had been planning to end her life before she went on into college.

Her life felt depressing. It had no meaning, no color. To Y/n, she felt, no knew, that her existence wouldn't contribute anything to the world. Maybe her death would, though. If she sold her body to science. But would that really make any difference? She was pretty average.

There was a couple of people who knew about her depressive tendencies. Her teachers made her go to the guidance counselor once or twice, to which all they did was reprimand her to not kill herself because there were people who cared for her. But lately, Y/n couldn't give two shits about the people who cared for her.

"I don't care what I do I just need to get the hell out of this place."


Getting out of the shower, Y/n changed into her outfit. She left the flannel shirt unbuttoned and tucked the white shirt underneath into the jeggings. Leaving the bathroom, the girl combed her hair and left the room quietly.

The e/c eyed girl walked down the stairs slowly. Y/n knew her way to her bedroom from the living room, but that was it. Anywhere else, and she was bound to get lost. On her way downstairs, she met with a tall, brown-haired man. He seemed to twitch ever so often.

"Hey, the name's T-Toby." He waved his hand just a bit, and Y/n gave a small smile to him.

"I'm Y/n." She said back. The girl noticed his stuttering and twitching almost immediately. But she wasn't dumb; I'm sure you know that by now. In her freshman year, there was a kid with Tourettes. Y/n didn't think much of him, but everyone else did. No one seemed to see through his tics and twitches because he had a shit personality.

Both had a small conversation with one another before Y/n told him she had to get going. They separated ways soon after, Toby ascending the stairs and Y/n descending. But it seemed as though she was deep in thought though. The moment she got to the last step, her body collided with another. They both fell to the floor with a small thud.


Bonus Scene

The farther up he walked, the colder the air became. There were so many questions. But above all was: Why?

The brunette gave two simple knocks on the door. Not loud enough to annoy someone, but not quite enough for it to go unnoticed. Though the boy needn't wait too long to be called into the office.

"Come in, child."

Masky walked in silently, giving a slight bow to show respect to the tall, faceless entity.

"Greetings, child. What is it you need to ask?" Masky took a deep inhale, gathering his thoughts.

"Sir, why is she here?"

. . .

I don't know what I was thinking when I was eleven but having Y/n tumble down the stairs was so dumb. Like she didn't even suffer an injury?! But anyways I'll see you all next chapter. Bye Clouds!! Edited


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