C H A P T E R 5

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The weekend had come to an end, and it was now Monday. Y/n sighed as she changed into her usual outfit for school and left the house before her 'parents' could wake up. The female walked to school because she liked the fresh air and felt the need to get exercise.

Friday was eventful. She met someone, a human outside of school. Not to mention the human was a man. Y/n never got hit on or been called out on. She was always just another of a crowd. She wasn't the main character of a book that got a glow-up from their best friend. She wasn't a nerd who got straight A's. She didn't have perfect, clear skin. She was just there to be there. A side character only there to fill the room up.

She entered the brick building and headed straight for her locker. It was early, which was nice because of how little people were already there.

The female was looking down, drowning in her thoughts, and didn't notice she was about to hit someone else.

"Watch where you're going, fat ass!"

'I came early to avoid talking to anyone, and this is what I fucking get?'


"Go get some fucking glasses and learn to see."

'This is where I draw the fucking line.'

"Last time I checked, you also bumped into me. So why don't you tell me you didn't move out the fucking way, you ugly ass rat?" Y/n shot back.

"Bold, aren't you? Let's see if you're all bark. After school, parking lot. We're going to fight."

"See you there ass hat." Y/n pushed past the now formed crowd around them and got to her class. She wasn't going to chicken out of this fight. Maybe she might just make a name for herself with this fight.


Y/n walked out into the parking lot, setting her bag down and tying her hair up. The other female came and did similar actions.

"Ready to get your ass kicked?"

"Let's just get this over with." Y/n  kicked the girl's stomach, who fell on the ground in pain. She got on top of her and started to punch her face rapidly.

"What's the problem? Can't get up and fight now? You were so eager to fight before." Her face was getting bloodied and the kids watching were scrambling to call the authorities.

'I get it now. The pain and hopelessness in their eyes are so refreshing.'

5 minutes later, and the school police officers came to separate the fight. Y/n was held back while the other girl was being taken to the hospital due to her wounds. The rest of the time was a blur to Y/n because all she seemed to want was to hurt someone again.


"...We are used to fights breaking out from time to time on school grounds, but never like this. Y/n has beaten and bruised Addilyn. Her family may or may not sue, and for the time being, Y/n will be suspended for 2 weeks."

"We are so sorry she's always been such a troublemaker I don't know what we're going to do."

"You're daughter has actually never seemed to be causing trouble. She's always done what's right. Y/n, may I ask what you were thinking?" Y/n scoffed and rolled her eyes.

"She wanted a fight, so I gave it to her. I don't understand why she made it so dramatic." She mumbled.

"Y/n I get that high school students are going to fight, but you beat her face until it was barely recognizable." Y/n smiled at the thought of her bruised face. How sad and pained she looked even after all that confidence she once had.

"Miss L/n is something funny to you?" She was shaken out of her thoughts.

"No, sir." She responded. Another conversation followed between Hank, Marely, and the man Y/n had no clue about who he was before they left.

Y/n almost entered the car before being smacked on the back of her head.

"You embarrassed us and want a ride back home? You dirty pig." That's all they said before driving home without Y/n.


Y/n reached the woods that was near the property of her house and climbed up her treehouse. She didn't have the option to go to her home and, this was the best option if she was being honest.

She took her sketchbook out and started sketching out the shape of a sunflower. The h/c-haired girl carried around her art supplies nearly everywhere. Drawing was her getaway activity when she was upset.

It was quiet, and for some reason, Y/n decided that calling Tim would be such a great idea.





"He's not going to-"

"Hey, Y/n."

'He answered holy shit, what do I do?'

"Hey, Tim. Sorry for bothering you. I don't know, calling you just came to my mind for some odd reason."

"It's alright, I'm not doing anything. So what's up?"

"I got suspended for getting into a fight today. It was funny really, The dumbass got mad at me for bumping into her on accident and then wanted to fight me. So then I started to fight her, and she wouldn't get up, right? So obviously, I kept on punching her, and she was bleeding. Then the principal came and stuff. But I'm right for saying that I was right for punching her until she was unrecognizable. She asked for it!" Y/n finished her story, and Masky was wide-eyed with a slight smile on his face.

"Yeah, you were definitely right for doing so. I would've done the same."

"Exactly! Everyone was looking at me as if I was crazy or some shit. Everyone is so fucking annoying." She sighed out. She took out her colored pencils and began to color in the sunflower.

"You're in college, right?"

"Yeah...second year." The male lied.

'College? Me? As fucking if.'

The call went on for another 30 minutes, The pair always finding something else to talk about. Once it got late, Masky ended it because he had to do something.

Y/n still didn't want to go into the house, so she decided on a nice, calming walk to clear her mind. She was happy someone didn't find her crazy for hurting Aaddilyn so bad.

"Phone, for music and flashlight, earbuds to listen to the music, I am set to go." She mumbled as she put in the earbuds.

'30 minutes and then I'll come back.' She thought as she put her hands in her pockets and started her walk.

. . .

Lmao Y/n's fists go brrr



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