C H A P T E R 22

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Y/n's POV

I made it to the arcade that I think we're meeting at? I assumed it was this one because this was the only arcade in the city. I wait by the door for a couple of minutes before Tim comes in. That jacket looks really familiar.

"Hey Tim!" I said as I turn off my phone.

"Hey y/n." He said in a monotone voice. Why the hell does his voice sound familiar too. Probably because you've met him before.

"Uh we should go get our points." I said, quickly snapping out of my last train of thoughts. He nods in agreement and we go to the front desk. As the clerk puts in the points, I look at all the prizes, but one really caught my eye. It was a mask that would look all too great with my 'creepypasta outfit' as I heard people around the house say

A/n: YALL I could not care less if you don't want to pick from 2-4 for all I care you don't have to pick one from the thing.

I guess Tim had seen me staring and asked if I wanted it. I nodded my head in agreement. I really did like the mask, except it was 1,000 tickets.

"We're getting that mask." He said, determined.

"Wait what?! It's 1,000 tickets, plus wouldn't you want something?" I asked. It was polite of him doing so, but it felt like it was way too much.

"Nah. Afterall, anything to make you happy." He said. I tried hiding my blush, but failed. He laughed at my expression before dragging me away.

We first went to one of those games where you roll the ball and try to get it inside one of the numbers. (I hope you guys know what I'm talking about.) I threw the ball and it landed at the zero. I looked at Tim and he manage to get 500 POINTS. I scoff and try again.I got 200 points. He laughs. We play the game for a couple of minutes until we go to another game.

I didn't know how many tickets I had racked up, but I sure as hell was having fun. Tim decided to go to a claw machine. "There is no way in hell you'll win. These machines are rigged as fuck." I told him as he slid the card. "If I get something, you have to pay for the food." He said. "Deal."

How. There is no way he actually won. He won a small teddy Hippo.

"And what is this we have here? a prize?" He says mockingly. I tch in response.

"Here, you can have it. Now let's go, I'm hungry. and we still got to get our prize or whatever." He said, Handing me the Hippo. I look at it for a second and then go to catch up with him.

We got to the front counter. We ended up getting 2,000 points. I was surprised. I asked for the mask. She gave it to me and asked if we needed anything else. I decided to take a couple of lolipops, and let Tim decide on whatever the hell he wanted.

"I see you're a man of good taste." I said in a british accent as we take our seats. We were in Olive Garden, the all mighty restaurant.

"You realize that this place is italian, right?" He deadpanned. I would've said something back, but the waiter came. She took our order, but was being extremely flirty. She finally left.

"Dude that girl was totally hitting on you." I said. He gave me a disgusted face.

"Ew. That's disgusting." He said back. I laughed and started another subject.

"I'm just saying, tiktok will never replace vine. Vine is superior in all shapes and form." I said as I finished the last bit of (whatever you ordered).

"Ya but vine was kind of cringe."

"But that's what made it awesome."

"Ok whatever, I got to get back home. It's already 7 p.m."

"Oh shit. Um yeah."

"Here I'll walk you back hom-"

"NO! Um, I live far away and I don't want to be any trouble." I said. Oh thank god I found a way to save myself.

"Ok then? I'll see you around."

"Ya, of course. Thanks for hanging out with me." I say. I take off before he could answer.

I get near the mansion and wonder how I'll get to my room without anyone knowing. I could climb the wall and go through my window. Or I could sneak in. As I think about all the possibilities, I slip through the ground and end up in a very shadowy place in my room. Cool teleportation.

I put the Hippo on my bed and the mask on my dresser. I fall on the bed and think about the day. It was nice having something so soothing at a time where things are so crazy.

Masky's POV

I quietly followed behind y/n, making sure she couldn't hear me. When she got to the mansion, she stopped. She looked as if she was thinking, and then all of a sudden, she disappears into thin air. The fuck?

I had to admit though, she was different than what I thought she was. She was selfless, and I actually had an ok time hanging out with her. I went inside the mansion and went to my room.

Is she actually what Slender makes her out to be?

. . .

Here is a beautiful chapter. Short again because I am struggling to keep my eyelids open. Was this chapter a filler chapter? I don't have a clue? Also, I know I said that y/n would be going on a kill, but because y/n had killed the two boys Slender thought it was ok to let you off the hook. I hope you guys like the chapter and I'll see you guys in the next chapter. Bye Clouds!!


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