C H A P T E R 9

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"Who the fuck are you?"


Y/n fluttered her eyes open, still having a massive headache from the blinding lights. It seemed as though her day just kept getting weirder and weirder.

Standing in front of her was a boy who coincidentally looked and dressed just like Link. The only thing that seemed to be different was the eyes. Link had blue eyes. This guy had nothing but two red pupils in his eye sockets.

"Cool cosplay, dude. But I think you messed up a bit on the eyes." She pointed out. He had blonde, shaggy hair and overall seemed pissed. How could the girl tell? His right eye twitched when she spoke, and his foot was tapping against the floor impatiently.

"I'm not a cosplayer! This is just how I look daily!"

"Really? You should up your look."

"Oh, don't even get me started on your dumb-looking- you know what? I'm not going to argue with a human-"

"Correction: Half-human. Slender gave me powers 'caus I'm just awesome like that." Y/n punched the air. BEN eyed her weirdly.

"Whatever. Why are you here?"

"I killed the two people who were supposed to care for me. How'd you get down here? I was like, playing Majoras mask and then the screen turned white and then you came out of nowhere! Which, by the way, Link was being such an asshole. Going on fire for no fucking reason..." Grumbling the last part, the girl brought her legs up to her chest.

BEN noticed the way she acts was very similar to him. Not taking anything seriously and roasting people as if it were second nature. What a weird coincidence that was.

"So uh, are you going to kill me?" Y/n asked. Her fingers picked at her skin. There was no sign of nervousness nor fright in her eyes. It was weird seeing someone out of the pasta house not be scared of him.

"Or we could do much more...interesting things." He said with a weird tone. Y/n gave a sort of smile and put her thumbs up.

"Don't be silly, wrap that willy!" BEN burst out laughing at the joke. Because of every reaction he expected, that was not one of them.

"HoLy cRap, you're actually funny!"

"Thanks, I get it from a magical source called the internet.  Wait, what's your name?"

"BEN Drowned."

"Ok, Ben 10-"

"No, it's BEN, not Ben."



"Ok then, BEN 10. What are you doing here?"

"I just came to see why there was someone in the basement. I actually have to go now before I get in trouble..." He mumbled the last part. Before Y/n could even respond, He jumped into the T.V screen and left.

"Wow, I just made aquatints with an elf. What a day." The girl sarcastically said to herself. The T.V turned off itself, and the room went back to being pitch black. It was cold and obviously a basement. Classical horror movie setting.

As her eyes started to adjust, she noticed the blood on the walls and the awful smell that seemed to smell like death.

"I can't wait to leave this place."


Teleporting out of the basement and back into his room, BEN took a while to process what just happened. Another creepypasta joining the mansion?

That would be weird. It's been a while since the house had a new creepypasta. And with some of the members living here, would she really be safe?

Then again, her personality wasn't complete shit. Not crazy and reckless like Jeff nor quiet and reserved, like E.J. She had a sense of humor similar to his own, him being BEN, and for the most part seemed pretty chill.

"All this thinking makes my fucking head hurt." The blonde grumbled as he went into the kitchen to get a glass of water. Slender would find out what he'd done and possibly beat his ass. That's scary.

"Oi! Where the fuck were you-"

"Last minute mission. Don't worry about it." BEN cut off Jeff. They both were heading up the stairs, Jeff nagging BEN on about a rematch from the video game they played the other day.

"Geez, Jeff, I'll play with you. Didn't know you were so obsessed with me." The shorter boy commented sarcastically, soon quickly dodging a knife Jeff had thrown. Snickering, he kept interrupting Jeff's yelling to say something that'd bug the cut-smiled man even more.


  Y/n laid on the dirty, musky, disgusting floor with full consciousness and boredom. Although tired, she refused to sleep and instead stayed up and daydreamed. The girl was bored of being tired and tired of being bored.

"I can too, but can too can I?" She raised her hands in the air, not realizing they were fisted the whole time. When opening them, blood dripped off her hands and down her arms.

"How should I stop the bleeding? It isn't a lot of blood. Maybe it will stop on its own?" She mumbled to herself. She was used to bleeding. From the arms down, specifically. What she was worried about, though, was getting an infection. Being sick wasn't something Y/n was too ideal of, that's for sure.

Hearing static, Y/n stood up properly, knowing it was Slenderman. It wasn't like she wasn't dumb. She knew that Slender held a lot of authority and was meant to be well respected.

"Greetings, child. I have come down here because I'd sensed another presence down here not too long ago. Was there anyone who'd come down here prior?" The faceless entity urged her to answer. Y/n's mind immediately went to the blonde elf. What was his name? Oh, right, BEN.

"Yes, sir. I believe his name was BEN, though I'm not too sure." The girl stated clearly. The other being put his hand up to where the bridge if his nose would be and gave out a small sigh.

"Thank you for telling me, child. Now, if you excuse me, I have lots of work to attend to."

And as mysteriously as he appeared, he had disappeared.

. . .

Is water wet?



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