Team Dynamics

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Eggman hadn't been heard from in quite a while; he had jumped off the radar six months ago without so much as a word or a threat.

In that time, Sonic and his friends had been dealing with renegade robots that had come online without a master to give them orders, only acting on their base programming which told them to destroy anything that was hedgehog blue and anything that was connected to hedgehog blue. 

The last of them had now been dealt with, prompting the Mobius Planet to heave a sigh of relief for the time being.

There were those, on the other hand, who knew better than to assume that they were free to live their lives without disturbance.

The Sonic Allies, the large group of freedom fighters that had each had a part in defending the world against enemies such as Eggman and which consisted of individuals who were none too keen to be referred to as members of 'Team Sonic', had experience of the mad scientist and knew him better than most. The likelihood that he would be defeated quietly was near to impossible so when Sonic awoke the next morning on Amy's sofa, curled up with a fox using him for a pillow, he knew it was the first day of waiting to see what Eggman would do next.

And when.

Always the last to fall asleep and always the first to wake, Sonic lay there in silence, not daring to disturb the fox that rested on him, pondering on where they were in life. He briefly thought back to past choices, musing on how different the present might be had he made other decisions regarding friends, enemies, lifestyles...

Tails gave a content sigh in his sleep, one of his tails re-wrapping itself around himself and nuzzling further into the downy fur of Sonic's stomach.

The hedgehog smiled, satisfied that, even if he had to regret everything else, he had made at least one good decision in taking in that tiny abandoned fox cub well over a decade ago.

The lump of red fur from the armchair gave a small snore as he twisted over and cuddled under the corner of his quilt.

Knuckles was another good decision, as far as Sonic was concerned. After their first encounter, the sensible thing may have been to leave the echidna to his own devices, guarding the Master Emerald as his ancestors had done in the days of old, drawing Eggman's attention elsewhere...
While he had his rare moments, Sonic wasn't often described as 'sensible'.

He had turned a blind eye to Knuckles' position, his circumstances and his invisible chain that bound him to his duty. All he saw was a lonely rock that wished that, for once, he could freely leave the island and explore for once so, rather than forget about the echidna, Sonic had tried making him into an ally, a permenant friend. It had taken time but, finally, Knuckles had accepted the hand of friendship, welcoming Sonic and Tails as his own brothers. His duty was still to the Master Emerald, of course, but now there was more help, more oppurtunity to 'get out there' as Sonic had told him.

They made quite the team: Sonic, Tails and Knuckles. Each had a power that perfectly balanced one another out.

Sonic was the fastest, Knuckles, the strongest, and Tails, the smartest.

Sonic was the risk-taker, the optimist, the natural leader. Knuckles was the muscle, the wrecking ball, the hardiest. Tails was the flyer, the gadget-guy, the hacker.

"Good morning," whispered a soft voice.

Amy had padded down the stairs in her slippers, silently making breakfast and preparing drinks. She deposited a cup of tea down in front of Sonic and, with a smile, had taken the other free armchair.

Sonic watched her.

Rounding everything off was Amy Rose, the fourth and final set member of Sonic's intimate group of friends. She had been the one that Sonic had been considering the most, trying to work out if the decision had been good or bad. After all, in her younger years, Amy had been... well... obsessive. She had set her heart on Sonic the Hedgehog and nothing, absolutely nothing, had ever been able to deter her away from him.

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