Some Things We Never Find Out...

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With their hot drinks clasped in their paws, four of the Allies were slowly walking through town, stopping to thank people for their gratitude and answering their concerns about Sonic's welfare with reassurance. It wasn't until they got to the park that they stopped on a nearby bench and watched the ducks paddle over the pond, quacking to one another about duck business.

"So," Shade had said, "when are you going home?"

"Sooner rather than later," answered Blaze, to whom Shade had been talking. "The Sol Emeralds could get unstable without me there to keep them in check. Can't be away from our own dimension too long."

"Plus," Marine added, "we've got our own Eggman to smack around and he's got kangaroos loose in the top paddock, if you know what I mean."

"If you say so," Shade smiled and took a sip from her drink, regretting that she had had to wait so long until now to taste such a beverage. "Will Silver be going back too?"

"Most likely," Blaze nodded. "Travelling to the past always gives the future at a bit of a strain."

"Yeah, I'm glad I'm from the past. No timelines for me to mess up."

"That you know of," Sticks commented ominously. "You could've messed hundreds of timelines and not known about it. You could be messing up a timeline as we speak. Maybe the fact that you're drinking a Ginger Spice Americano in this park is ruining some minor timeline that could have resulted in a major development for this planet. The Butterfly Effect is everywhere."

Shade glanced down at her coffee. "...Thank you for that."

"What about you, Spunk?" Marine asked Sticks, distracting the badger. "Heading home to your dimension too?"

"Yeah, I guess," Sticks said, kicking at the grass. "Not sure how I feel about islands at the moment though..." (For Sticks also lived on an island.)

"Anyway," Blaze sighed, "we'll be back soon enough what with all these calendar events that are going to be happening: marriages, births, the Annual Green Hill Festival..." She got up and offered a hug to Shade which she, surprisingly, accepted. "You take care of yourself."

"Thanks," Shade smiled, "you too."

- - - - -

After Blaze, Marine and Sticks had departed from her, Shade discovered that she wasn't left alone much longer when she caught sight of two familiar friends walking in front of her down the high-street.

"Hi boys," she called, hurrying to catch up with them.

Shadow turned and dipped his head in greeting. 

"Recovered yet?" he asked as pleasantly as he could for a socially awkward Ultimate Lifeform.

Shade brushed her shoulder and smirked. "I'm an echidna. We bounce back from anything."

"Are you pleased for Rouge and Knuckles' echidna child?" Omega then asked. "It will be the first one born in this world for 26 years."

"Yes, so I am aware," Shade replied. "What about you? Rouge will insist on the child calling you 'Uncles', you know."

Omega looked thrilled.

"I am not an uncle," Shadow snorted, rolling his eyes.

"You are old enough to be one."

Shadow and Shade turned to Omega in surprise at his swift burn. They had never seen an expressionless robot look so thrilled with itself and they were certain that had they tried listening closer they would have heard some kind of buzzy giggling coming from him. The robot had been expanding his range of 'emotions' over the years and 'giggling' was a very recent upgrade.

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