Rogues and Rivalry

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In the town center of Soleanna, the hustling bustling highstreet was showing no sign of quietening. The mounted televisions in one shop window were colourful and provided welcome entertainment for those taking a short break during their morning shopping.
Not that this morning's news was cheering anyone up.

"...that world-renowned hero and lifetime protector of the planet, Sonic the Hedgehog, was reported missing as of yesterday evening..."

"Yo, Jet!" Storm called from the teleshop window, "Got something for you."

Jet the Hawk was leisurely leaning against the wall in an alleyway, sipping a fruit smoothie as they waited for Wave to be done in the tech shop, flashing his beak at anyone that strolled past to admire his lavish plumage. Storm the Albatross was round the corner, watching all the televisons as they broadcasted the news.

Tossing the almost empty smoothie over his shoulder and scoring a hit as it landed in a dumpster, Jet came strutting over.

"What are you clucking about?" he began, "I don't care if some bird group has discovered a new nest site for some dumb..."

"-ation Square Chao Garden at approximately 7:29pm. The Chaotix Detective Agency, members of the Sonic Alliance, have told media that there was little damage to the Chao Garden but that the Colony itself were distressed. This morning, the G.U.N. released an official statement."

"The Chaotix?" Jet repeated, growing interested, "What's goin-..."

The screen changed to that of the GUN Commander, solemnly stood at a podium as camera flashes were sounding off at every angle. At his side, hands clasped behind him and with a face of stone stood Shadow the Hedgehog, the leader of Team Dark.

"We can confirm," the human Commander said in a cool, deep voice, "that at approximately 1900 hours, on the evening of October 30th, Sonic the Hedgehog was last heard from at Station Square. In the time between departing from his company and reaching the Station Square Chao Garden, contact was lost."

Flash, flash, went the cameras.

Behind him, the GUN logo waved and danced on its flag. Shadow remained ever motionless and, on the other side of the screen, Jet had also frozen, listening intently.

"Though specific details are, as of yet, unknown to us, evidence suggests that Sonic the Hedgehog was, in fact, abducted."

Around Jet and Storm, others that had stopped to watch and listen were gasping and murmuring to one another.

"We have no reliable sources to suggest who or what was behind such an attack..."

"Oh please," one human snorted, "Everyone's thinkin' it an' I'm sayin' it: this's got that lousy Eggman fella all over." Nods and grunts of agreement passed through the small gathering.

"...-ure that the G.U.N. are working diligently along with the rest of the Sonic Allies to track down Sonic and bring whomever is responsible to justice."

"Bah!" another voice, this one belonging to a different human, sounded, "Dunno why dey're bovverin'. GUN'll be more quicker t' 'bduct Sonic 'emselves. Fact, oi reck'ns dey're on'y bovverin' t' foind 'im so's dey's can lock 'im up in dem labs. Dat blacker 'n red 'edge'og burter be a-careful o' dem."

Those that could understand the rolling accent of the man were nodding and shaking their heads with mixed feelings.

"Not them," a well-dressed mouse contradicted, "The G.U.N. have always had our safety as their number 1 priority and Sonic the Hedgehog is a key to establishing such safety."

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