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The house was far too quiet and empty; even the chiming of the mantlepiece clock wasn't enough to provide any real sense of comfort.

For the first time in all her life, Rouge felt lonely.

Curled up in her chair with her wings standing in as a make-do blanket, she could only resort to the power of television to distract her but even that was proving difficult as every news story would only prattle on about Sonic's abduction and the thought of an impending attack from Eggman. If it weren't for the Sonic Allies, the chances were there would be panicked citizens rioting in the streets shouting that the world was as good as doomed.

"...till no news on the whereabouts of Sonic the Hedgehog. The President has issued a worldwide petition for anyone who has any information to come forward..."

Rouge shook her head. She could only imagine the headlines if they discovered Tails was also gone:


All Rouge could do was hope that her friends would all be ok and not foolish enough to throw themselves into a stupid situation. Knuckles, especially, had to be back safe in order to be there for the birth of his child.

The bat shifted uncomfortably. In a way, she had to confess, she wasn't really alone anymore.

A much younger Rouge might have said that a baby was nothing more than a cute parasite which stole the food a mother ate and would continue to rob you of your life for the years that followed after its birth. She hadn't even considered if she was ready or not to start a family but, that was that. It had happened.

And trust Omega and Shadow to find out before her!

All they knew about the baby was that it was an echidna - or a small brick as far as Rouge was concerned. As far as gender went, no-one had a clue.

Her computer gave a trill, snatching her attention away from the TV. Muting it, Rouge climbed to her feet and tiredly opened the sent message.

"Rouge," read the message, "we're headed to the Abandoned Isles to rescue Sonic and Tails. You're in charge until we get back. Probably best you rest up and don't get involved in this. Love you. Knuckles X."

They had gone without her!?

"That rotten, no-good, spike-fisted, big-headed, mud-digging, lipstick coloured SWINE!" she shrieked, pinning back her ears and flapping her leathery wings angrily.

Another blip on the screen. Another message.

"PS. Shadow told me to send you this message after we'd left so there was no chance of you talking me out of it. In a funny way, I kinda miss you bat-girl. Stay safe - both of you. We'll see you when we get back."

"Oh and that sooty, soft-brained, quill covered ball of-! Ultimate Lifeform MY BACKSIDE!"

In her frustration, Rouge drew back her manicured paw and smacked a vase clean off the desk she was sat at.

"Traitors! Every last one of them are traitors. Surrounded by traitors!" As an afterthought, Rouge gently put her hand on her stomach. "You're going to have to learn this one day, kid," she murmured, "you can't trust anyone. And it's thanks to you that I'm suddenly told to sit down like a good little girl and snuggle up safe and warm."

It went to show just how emotional she was starting to feel as a hot-blooded determination rose up from inside.

"Rest up and don't get involved, eh?" she hissed to herself.

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