I See A Bad Moon Rising

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Far out to sea were a collection of small crops of land simply known as the Abandoned Isles. Cut off from the rest of the planet, the islands were nothing but wilderness where only a few remaining ruined houses still stood, empty and lifeless, nothing more than mere shells. Most of the islands had experienced flooding, what with slowly rising sea levels, and nearly all of Christmas Isle was underwater, claimed by the ocean.

Hidden in the rocky mountain of Christmas Isle, however, still remained one last relic; a decrepid, desolate robot factory, mostly submerged underground. It was the only place that the G.U.N. did not know about so Eggman felt secure that he would not be found. Many of his old robots were stored here too - old ideas, incomplete projects and scrapped, defective minions. He had spent most of his months of hiding wallowing in his own madness, laughing at nothing, throwing things around and shouting to the ceiling. That was when he settled down and got on with tinkering in his laboratories, fixing his old machines and unearthing archived data and plans.

On one morning Eggman had awoken in a foul mood, no desire to tinker or build or plot any form of revenge.

He was getting old. He couldn't count how many years he had spent throwing time and resources into the capture of one hedgehog.

One infuriating, blue, supersonic hedgehog.

His makeshift bed creaked in protest as the rotunned scientist twisted this way and that, attempting to get comfortable and pass back into sleep. But sleep would not come due to his colourful imagination conjuring up all manners of torture to the one he hated so much. He wasn't even sure why it was Sonic in particular that pushed his buttons so much...

Actually, he had thought with a smile, that's a lie.

Year after year, Eggman had devised plot after vicious plot to conquer the planet and reform it to his heart's desire and, again, year after year, Sonic had always put himself in the way and pulled the rug out from under him.

That's why he hated him so much.

The rest of the Sonic Allies were also hated enemies but, strangely, he felt as though they were easily explained; there was a reason as to why they were involved in the battle to stop him - it was because of Sonic. 

"Good morning Sir," chipped Orbot, hesitantly entering the room with a tray of breakfast. Ever the shrewd, intelligent type, Orbot had learnt that it was best just to bid his master a good morning, leave his breakfast and then leave. This time he was stopped.

"Orbot," Eggman growled.

The red orb-shaped robot nervously looked roung, his panic levels rising. "Yes, Sir?" Had robots been able to gulp, he would have done so.

"Where's Cubot?" Eggman asked. It wasn't what Orbot expected, that was for certain.

"Cubot?" he echoed, as though never having heard that name before, "I... Well, I don't know, Sir. He's probably still performing his morning duties. Dusting and hoovering and washing..."

"Get him and meet me at the Vault." Eggman started to smile. "I want to show you both something."

- - - - -

The Vault was the vast undergorund system where unneeded items and gizmos were kept - and it was also the final resting place of offline robots that were either waiting for the smelting pit or merely kept as momentoes. Orbot and Cubot, Eggman's current robot lackeys, following in their Master's wake like petrified chickens being taken to a slaughter house, had never set servoe in such a place as this and they floated around in dreaded awe, terrified of the old structure and equally respectful.

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