Battle For The Chaos Born - Part 1

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He may have been a several hundred feet beneath them, all alone and without any contact whatsoever, nursing his wounded body, but Sonic seemed to be in agreement with Dr Eggman; time was short.

He yelped as he pulled at the ankle chain and was shocked once again with a sting of electricity. His wrists had been 'kindly' released but only a fool would consider letting Sonic have full control of his most powerful limbs: his legs. Grimacing, it only reminded him that if he wanted to get out soon, he was going to have to pull up his non-existent big-boy pants, shove a stick between his teeth and take some extra temporary discomfort.

As he had been enduring Ira's brief experimentation - which had been necessarily to determine if his extracted Chaos Energy could then be re-absorbed in a continual circuit, like a blood flow - he had felt the presence of other Chaos Beings. Chaos Beings were few and far between which drew Sonic to one very welcome conclusion: his friends were here to rescue Tails and himself. He had to get out before either of the Egg Brothers made things impossible for them to find out where he was.

A cold drip splashed down onto Sonic's shoulder and it felt like the starting gun. 

It was less exhausting channelling his strength into a kick rather than a pull so, seizing the bars of the cell, Sonic prepared himself, pushing his front against it and taking a deep breath. He pulled his leg so that it was the tightest it could be without inflicting pain and then, bracing his ankle against the metal cuff, silently prayed that it would all be over soon.

Then he kicked.

After several minutes of excruciating pain, the chain snapped clean off and Sonic was welcomed with sweet relief that required him to slump to the ground and gulp in air like a fish.

"Ha, wasn't so bad," Sonic told himself. "A little static... Everyone can take a little static... I take static. I take it all the time. Generating friction with my feet and all... Yeah, that was easy. This is no sweat. Piece of...cake." He understood then, why people got so annoyed with him sometimes whenever he opened his yap. 

Now with only one channel for the electricity, karma was paying him back with a much stronger force as he worked on freeing his other leg.

"Stupid, flipping idiot!" Sonic growled in his head as his muscles spasmed and cramped under the effects of electricity's savage attack. "Piece of cake? I'll shove a piece of cake so far down that cakehole I won't be able to look at an iced bun every again!" His eyes pressed shut and a face scrunched in complete agony, Sonic wondered if he could actually physically hurt himself to distract him from 'unbearable' pain to just 'annoyingly painful' pain.

"A little static?" he laughed, "A little static!? Oh sure, everyone can handle a little static! How about getting plugged in to the planet's main electricity line!?"

He wouldn't scream though. It took a lot to make him scream and this wasn't the time for a whimper.

Other noises of distress were allowed, however.

And as the chain finally gave way, there may have been a slight squeak, much to Sonic's shame.

"Oh sweet Chaos on a see-saw in the summertime," he groaned (there were worst things that could have been said but Sonic is a good boy and watches his language), sliding down on his stomach and kicking the live chains away from him. "...My spines aren't gonna go down for, like, a month." Not that there was much time to mourn for something that trivial.

The next order of business was getting free of the cage which, let's face it, wasn't hard seeing as the cell wasn't actually designed to hold someone like Sonic who would have received VIP 5-Star treatment in his own personal dungeon had Eggman ever got a hold of him back in his younger years.

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